a new year... literally (Mic POV)

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It's Christmas and its cold outside so I put on my jacket and rush out the door I stop to grab my glasses but I forgot I couldn't afford the ones I wanted but that didn't matter right now. I caught up with Aizawa as we walked to school. "can't believe we're getting our dorms today. I packed everything I need cloths food and my guitar." I said.  Aizawa looked at me confused  "wait you play?" he asked. I smiled. "nope I just have it for decoration." I told him. we finally made it to school I was so happy to see me and Aizawa's dorms were facing each other. 

once we got settled in we headed to class. nezu walked into our class. "as you all know it is Christmas, so for today you will all get to stay in your dorms for the time being, and on winter break you will go home and spend time with your families." he said. I raised my hand "uh Mr nezu were are all the decorations?"  I asked. he smiled "oh why I almost forgot how about you and Aizawa go get the decorations and start decorating the school, this could help you learn about using your quirks." he said. Aizawa looked confused but he didn't say anything. 

we walked out of the classroom, "how can our quirks be used to do things?" he said. I thought for a bit. "I don't know but he is smart so there has to be some way." I said. "well let's get decorating." he said. we went to the storage room and looked for the Christmas decorations me and Aizawa found some decorations. while walking out of the room I noticed Aizawa looking up at something. I looked up and to my surprise it was a mistletoe. and then the unexpected happened

Aizawa gave me a kiss on the cheek. I almost dropped the box my face turned bright red and my nose started to bleed. "uh why did you k-k-kiss me ?" I asked studdering a lot. he looked at me his face also in shock and blush. "I uh .... tis the season hehe," he said sounding nervous. we continued on and stared decorating the hallways till we got to the entrance of the school. "how are we gonna reach up there?"  said Aizawa. I thought for a moment. and without thinking I hugged him looked down and yelled as loud as I could. the sound waves pushed us up. after that we did the other side. Aizawa looked at me in surprise. "is this what nuzu meant by using our quirks together?" he said. I nodded, we both smiled. "you thinking what I'm thinking?" I asked him. he nodded in agreement. he hopped on my back and I looked down and yelled and we took off into the sky, I have never felt so alive. 

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