lunch. (Mic POV)

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principal nezu comes into our class. "hello my first-year students. I am your principal but for now, I am your teacher." he says. he tells us about getting dorms next year wich sounds AWSOME. the bell rings and we head to lunch.

 I see Aizawa sitting alone so I decide to sit next to him. "Sup Aizawa," I ask him. he wakes up and looks at me "oh sorry I didn't mean to wake you up i-" he cut me off " heh it's ok, so what's up." he asks. I was surprised at how polite he was. "oh well I was just wondering, what's your quirk?" I ask. he smiles. "I take other peoples quirks by looking at them. but I can't blink if I do the quirk will return to that person," he says. no wonder he is sleepy all the time his eyes must be dry a lot. "wait you didn't take my quirk did you?" he laughs "hehe no you can tell when it happens cuz my eyes will turn bright red." he says. I was surprised when I heard him laugh I thought he wasn't the kind of guy to laugh. and to be honest that day something inside me snapped.


I wake up excited to go to school. I do my morning routine say goodby to my dad and head to school. I'm surprised to see Aizawa walking the same route as me so I run up to greet him.  "hay Aizawa didn't know you walked this way to school too." I give him a smile, he looks at me "oh hay Mic what's up." he asks in a very monotone voice. "oh are you ok, you seem more tired than usual?" I ask. he looks at me and gives me a little smile. "yea I'm fine just the side effects from my power." he says. I give him a smile and we head to school.

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