never felt this way before (Aizawa POV)

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I am heading to school not on my usual route tho I just thought this way would be much faster so I could get to school early and maby get a little nap in before class. "Hay Aizawa" I hear Mic say as he runs towards me. "oh hay Mic what up," I ask him. he asked if I was ok guess I must have sounded very tired. I told him there was nothing to worried about just one of the side effects from my quirk. we continue walking but something didn't feel right it felt like we were being watched. and then out of no were a bad guy rushes towards us it let out a loud roar. I look over at Mic and I don't think I have ever seen Mic scared before. and then I hear him let out a loud scream I cover my ears and get behind him so I couldn't hear the scream. I turn around as I watch the monster hit Mic into a tree. so I use my quirk so the monster can't do anything. I run over to see if Mic is ok.

 his glasses were broken I take them off and examine them, I hear him start to cry. "don't worry Mic we can get you new glasses." I tell him, I turn to check to see if he is ok and I was shocked to see his eyes were... 2 different colors blue and green. and something inside me snapped.  I look at him tears running down his face. so I picked him up and ran as fast as I could to the school to get him to the nurse. 

I wait outside the nurse's office hoping Mic was ok, then principal nezu comes up to me. "Aizawa I wanted to thank you for doing the right thing and saving your classmate, that was very brave of you, you can head back to classes now," he says. "but what about Mic I just want to make sure he is ok," I tell him. he looks at me with a smile "I'm sure he will be fine but if you want." he says, I thank him and wait for about an hour and then the door opens and I see Mic "Mic are you ok?" I ask him he seemed startled and he covered his eyes with his arm. "don't look at me." he says sounding scared. "I'm sorry I just wanted to make sure you were .... ok," I tell him. he starts to uncover his face "you ... you waited here for me?"  he asked. "I mean that's what friends are for right." I see him smile his blue and green eyes shining from the reflection of the sun. I never felt this way before.  

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