flashback from the past (fazu POV)

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My names demo fazu and it's my first day at UA high, I am sitting in the classroom people start to walk into class. one thing about my quirk is I can see through things and sometimes I can't control it and I look through peoples clothes. it happens mostly when I am in love. so I'm sitting there none of the boys look attractive like at all. until a boy walks into class orange tented glasses shiny blond hair and a thick ass. I couldn't control myself he was so hot. he instantly starts talking to the boy who sits beside him. I really wish I didn't choose the seat in the very back. 


we all head to lunch I sit in an empty table so Yamada would feel bad and come sit with me. but he sits next to the boy he was talking to earlier in class. so on the first day at UA, I ate lunch alone.


after awhile at UA I made some friends there was Tashi Kamado her quirk cuteness she gets anyone to fall in love with her eyes like a sunset and her hair purple like a beautiful night sky. and I met Mizu Majo her quirk water. these were my friends and we had set the perfect plan to get Yamada to kiss me. before school started me and Tashi went to go hang up a mistletoe while Majo kept watch for any teachers. we managed to do it. the plan was that I would offer to get the decorations and ask if Yamada could help me. 

I get into my seat and wait for Yamada to come into class he walks in with his friend Aizawa. but before I can do anything principal nezu starts talking then everything goes downhill when Yamada and AIZAWA are chosen to get the decorations. as soon as they leave I ask to use the bathroom and follow them hoping they don't see the mistletoe so I can grab it and maby use it while leaving school or something. I peek around the corner and see Aizawa looking at the mistletoe. shit they saw it I need to distract them some ho-  I stop my thinking when I see Aizawa kiss my senpai, Yamada. 

after a while of contemplating what to do, I hear them laughing outside and see Yamada with Aizawa on his back souring through the air. "ugg I can't believe it Aizawa messed everything up. HE DOSNT EVEN HAVE A USEFUL QURIK, he is just using my Yamada sempai." I say out loud. "oh hello sorry if I am interrupting something but are you ok?" I hear from behind me. I turn to see a boy blue hair and ruby red eyes. "hi my name is tomura shigaraki. I'm from class 1-B what's your name?" he askes sounding nervous. "demo fazu. sorry I was just talking to myself." I tell him. "well I heard you yelling about Aizawa? his quirk is stupid he doesn't even need to be here anyway he is just a normal kid the only thing he can do it take away our powers." he says. he looks at me with anger in his eyes. "well what's your quirk?" I ask. "my quirk, I can destroy anything just by putting my hand on it. it turns to dust. and I'm forced to wear gloves, it killed my mother and my father. now I live with my grandma."  he said. "well wanna help me get rid of this pest they like to call Shota Aizawa?" I ask staring at him we lock eyes. "oh hell ya"


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