bakugo the bully (deku POV)

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The next day Aizawa is back teaching the class. we do what we usually do, but while outside I see bakugo looking over at something. "what are you looking at?" I ask. he keeps staring in the same direction, I look over and see he is looking at Aizawa underneath a tree sleeping. "I've never seen him train. the only use he has is he can take peoples quirks he is basically a quirkless nobody." he said. "but he is very powerful have you not seen him in battle?" I tell him. he looks at me, "yeah but I bet I could beat him in other ways too. maybe if I make him weak. maybe if I make him cry, heh I would like to see that." he said. seemed like a dumb idea but I didn't say anything about it. 

we head back to class and like bakugo said he started making fun of Aizawa. "wow how did you become a pro hero your quirk is like so useless especially when your up against more than one bad guy." he says, Aizawa doesn't say anything. the classroom is silent, until "I wouldn't pick a fight young man. I promise you it's not worth it." said Aizawa, but bakugo wasn't having it, he got up from his seat and ran towards Aizawa. "bakugo this is unacceptable!" yelled Iida. but bakugo wasn't listening Aizawa's face was in shock after bakugo punched him right in the face. "TAKE THAT YOU QURILESS WANNABE!" he yelled, the bell rings for lunch and we all get up to go to lunch

Aizawa's head was down, I looked a little closer and could see his nose was bleeding. and out of nowhere bakugo punched Aizawa in the back and he falls on his right side, I can see a couple of tears rolling down his face. "Aizawa are you ok here all help you u-" Iida says while getting cut off by present mic. "what's going on here?" he asks, Aizawa gets up his head still down. but tears drip down his face, "Mic I am ok don't worry." he says, Aizawa looks at Present mic and the look on Present mic face is one I have never seen before. His face showed pure anger.  "NO.... who did this to you...." he asked. bakugo had a smile on his face "you mean who hurt the quote on quote pro hero. whos quirk is basically useless?" he says. "you...." he says. 

we all move out the way wondering whats gonna happen. present mic goes up to bakugo and takes off his glasses revealing his blue and green eyes. he grabs bakugo by the shirt and whispers in his ear "do you even know who you are messing with... little man" he says. bakugo laughed "what are you gonna do protect mister weak quirk over there?" he said. "well I must say your absolutely RIGHT!!!" he yells right into bakugo's ear causing him to fly out of Mic's hands and smash into the wall knocking bakugo out and his ears bleeding. "Uraraka you use your quirk to pick up bakugo and take him to the nurse. and you Iida you go with her to make sure nothing else happens and Deku and Mineta you go just in case he wakes up you trap him or knock him out again," he says. so we did what he said and we took bakugo to the nurse.

we make it to the nurse. "hello children what seems to be the probl-" she stops in the middle of her sentence, observing bakugo's ear. "he picked on Aizawa didn't he?" she said. "what how did you know" says Uraraka. she sighs and lays bakugo down on the bed. "well I guess its time someday someone learned about Present Mic."


the first time I ever got this case was freshmen year a young girl named Majo was brought to the nurse office her ear bleeding and she was knocked out. It turned out her and a couple of other friends were picking on Aizawa, and of course, young Yamada wasn't happy about that. you see ever since Yamada's mother died of cancer when he was 9, he has always be protective over ones he loved fearing that he would lose them just like he lost his mother. altho he may not show signs of caring a lot he will take matters into his own hands. and throughout high school, I've noticed a great bond between Aizawa and Yamada. the only times I've ever seen Aizawa smile is when he is with him. and ever since the incident at the after-graduation party were they lost each other, Yamada hadn't been the same, he took on drinking and eventually got addicted. and now they're together again and I think he has become more protective knowing he can't just let Aizawa get picked on.

(end of flashback)

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