caught red-handed (Aizawa POV)

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I was surprised that he wanted to hold my hand. "where are we going?" I ask. Mic turns to look at me he pulls down his glasses "you will see when we get there." he says giving me a wink and pushing his glasses back into place. we keep walking for a while and we make it to his dorm. "uh what are we doing here?" I ask. he closes his door behind him "heh well since you like to sleep I lot I thought you would want to ... snuggle with me." he said. I was surprised, and I blushed bright red. he sat on the bed and so I sat down with him. he laid me down, and so I grabbed him and snuggled him. "wait... I'm a ... LITTLE SPOON?" he said. "um I mean you are the cutest out of all of the people in UA your like the only good little spoon." I tell him. he blushes, we get all snuggled up in the covers he pushes my head down. "shh I hear someone coming." he says. I hear a knock at the door and I knew it had to be principal nezu. "uh come in." Mic said while hiding me under blankets and pillows. "hello Hizashi Yamada I see you're in your dorm and not at battle practice." he says. were totally screwed now. "oh well I was just uh coming to get uh-" nezu cuts him off with "I also noticed Aizawa wasn't there either is he in his dorm too?" he asked. "well uhh I don't really know where he is uhh." I can here Mic stuttering with his words. "oh well you guys are best friends I thought you might know were he was. well practice is over so get some rest and I expect better behavior tomorrow." he says, "yes sir." says Mic. I hear nezu leave.

(one thing I learned today is when Mic is nervous/sad/or really scared. in defense, he loses control over his volume or in fear he will roll his eyes in the back of his head, so this is why we got caught)

"HE IS GONE you can COME OUT now" he yelled. he eminently covered his mouth. and there was me sitting in his bed and principal nezu in the doorway to his room. I could see the fear and regret in Mics eyes right through his glasses. "Yamada this behavior is unacceptable, what were you two thinking getting in bed together!" he said. I saw Mic roll his eyes into the back of his head in fear. "I AM SORRY I just I .... me and uh we were just uhh." he couldn't control his voice. tears rolled down his face. and without thinking I got up and hugged him "shh it's ok shh" I kept telling him until he calmed down. after I calmed him down I looked at principal nezu his face in a little bit of shock. "well I see you too really care about one another so I have made an exception. you guys can be in love just no kissing in school you hear you guys can do that outside of school." he said. I looked at Mic with joy in his face. I told Mic good night and before I opened my door nezu said "I'm glad you two get along well and care for one another, don't ever forget how much he means to you." he said. he gave me a smile and walked off. 

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