Chapter 2: Wait, who?

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"Hadley Jensen. Well, sweetie, it looks like you are gonna need to go home and get some rest. You took a pretty brutal beating out there. I just sent someone to get ahold of your Uncle", Nurse Wentland exclaimed. Great. All I need is to be an even bigger disappointment to Uncle Kyler. He was the star football player back in the day. I most certainly did not get his athletic genes.

"Thank you," I squeaked out. What would I tell Uncle Kyler? I could just make up a lie and say I was playing defense and the offensive player kicked me in the He would know I was lying about that. How about "I tripped and fell onto the ball" or "I was helping somebody who fell when the ball came out of nowhere." My thoughts were interrupted by Nurse Wentland's annoyingly deep voice, "Well, you see mister..." I assume this was when she started staring at his 'God-like muscles', "Hudako! Hadley was reading during PE and there was a...incident...and she's fine now."

"Hmm, okie dokie. Thank you ma'am," Kyler stated. "I will just grab Hadley and go on home."

Nurse Wentland stopped him...of course. "Oh well I get off in an hour! I can come by and check up on her if you would like."

"No thank you ma'am. We'll just be on our way."

Kyler had already grabbed my arm and was helping me out of the small little building that my school likes to call "The Infirmary". We were just turning onto Washington Avenue when Kyler started talking, "So, another incident in PE?" I just nodded my head. My uncle and I don't really talk much. I don't know why. I think it's ever since mom and dad left after the Famine War. We just sort of drifted away.

"Was it Matt Adam's again?" My uncle interrupted my train of thought.

"Yep", I responded. Emphasizing the 'p'.

"I am telling you Hadley, it's because he likes you." I don't like any boys. And no boys like me. That's how it's always been. I tried telling a boy that I liked him once and it didn't end how I thought it would...he ended up with ice tea all over his head. Let's just say I am very protective over boys who just say I am cute because of my hair. That is actually part of the reason why I wear it up now.

"Earth to Hadley," Kyler interrupted my train of thought again! I swear I am gonna get him back for this one day.

"Yeah. What's up?" I said a little confused as to why he was talking to me.

That's when I saw him...all five foot ten inches...the blond hair and blue eyes.

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