Chapter 7: Crush?

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"Hey! Wake up!" a concerned Josh whispered.

"Hmm..." was all I could get out.

"You took a pretty hard hit to your head Hadels. You can't do that. You scared me."

Wait, what? That scared him? He cares about me? I feel like I am dreaming.

"So your Uncle was telling me about Kaleb, he seems like a good kid."

Okay, now I know this is a dream because- hold on. Something is sinking in...did Josh call me Hadels? No one has called me Hadels since my did he know this?

"Josh...what did you call me?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" he asked back. I tried to sit up but I got light headed and passed out again.

By the time I woke up, it was morning and I felt something heavy on my stomach. I looked down to see Josh's arm around me. Actually...I guess the term would be thanks.
I got up as quietly as I could but I still managed to wake up Josh.

"Well, good morning Hadels," Josh said in a deep husky voice.

"I umm...have to pee..." was that really the best I could come up with?

Once outside, I walked over to where I was supposed to be with Chloe. When I walked in, I noticed the lights already on. Great. Now I have to explain to her why I wasn't in here when she woke up.
"Good morning Chloe," I said as nicely as I could.

"Hey!" she said in a super excited voice, "Where were you this morning? I woke up about an hour ago and you were gone."

"I went for a jog." Okay. Seriously? I need to work on lying. Jog? I do not even know how to run; that is why I tripped last night.

"Awe! Really? I wish you woke me up. It would have been so much fun to go for a jog with you!"

"Sorry...I will wake you up next time."

"No biggie! Come here!" she said basically pulling me to her vanity, "I want to do your hair again. Oh! I also really need to do your nails. I was thinking blue or- wait. Do you smell that?"

Oh crap. Smell what? Is my hair burning?

"Is that...Josh's cologne?" Chloe said a little too into the smell.

Well, crap. Now I have to explain everything to her. Can I even trust this girl? Wow, I sound a lot like Josh right now.

Chloe started sniffing my shirt.
"Hadley, why does your shirt smell like my brother? Oh. My. God. No way! Where were you this morning? Were you with Josh? Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh. You were! Weren't you!" I seriously feel so stupid when I blush. I just look retarded.

"No. Chloe, it isn't like that!" I started to say, "I tripped last night and I think I hit my head and I woke up next to Josh. It isn't that bad I swear."

"Well," Chloe began to explain herself, "I feel like if it weren't something, you wouldn't be telling me every reason as to why you should explain yourself. You totally like him!"

"Not-uh." Really? Is that the best I can say right now?

"Oh that is so adorable; you are as red as a tomato!" Chloe said with a bunch of excitement. "Do you want me to talk to him for you? I can totally be your wing woman. I can be like your side kick who will make my brother fall for you and give you tips on your hair!"

"Chloe, shhh" I said seriously scared someone was listening.

"Why are you nervous someone is listening? Just admit you have a crush on him and I will stop."

"I don't have a crush on your brother, Chloe. So please just stop what if he hears you? I don't want him to get the wrong impression."

"Because you want to impress him?"

"No! Chloe! Please just drop it!"


"Oh my gosh Chloe stop!" This girl is literally insane. What is wrong with her? Who just screams that out? What if someone heard?

"Who does Hadley have a crush on?" Kyler asked peeking through the door.

"No one! Hadley has a crush on no one! Chloe is just delusional," I responded with the most serious face I could make. Of course I have a crush on Josh! He is just SO perfect.

"Hadley has a crush on my brother," Hadley started, "She fell asleep next to him last night. She wasn't even going to tell me! I noticed because she smells like him."

I swear Kyler's face was pure almost anger. I think he was about to hit a wall. He slammed the door before I could say anything. I looked at Chloe as if "help me please" but she just smiled and went back to doing my hair.

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