Kumiko's Nightmare

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It's been 15 years since Shigaraki and the league where stopped by Deku and his friends, but over those 15 years, Deku was a bit busy taking care of his daughter Kumiko, some of Deku's friends didn't like the idea of him taking care of the daughter of a villain, but he didn't care what they thought, he made a promise to Toga and he will not break it at any means possible.

~Present day~

Kumiko is now 15 years old, and attends UA, her dream is to be a hero like her dad, so she can fight crime by his side.

~Kumiko's dream~

"W-where am I, hello is anyone here, it's so dark I can't even see my own hand."

Kumiko was confused on where she was at, so she just walked in a straight line, just trying to find out what this place was, but all of the sudden she hears footsteps behind her, she turns around and she doesn't see anybody there, after hearing those footsteps she became a bit frightened, but she shrugs It off and continue on walking in a straight line.

~Dream monster~


Kumiko then turned around and she could not believe what she saw, it was a woman, Kumiko couldn't see what she actually looks like but she can see the outline of the woman, but that's not the only thing Kumiko can see, she also can see the woman's eyes, her eyes are a bright yellow.

~Nightmare woman~

"Oh Kumiko, I've missed you so much"

Kumiko tries to runaway but her body is paralyzed on where she is standing, the woman begins to walks towards Kumiko slowly, Kumiko struggles on trying to break free, but it was too late, the woman was in front her face to face, Kumiko still couldn't see her face at all, she could only see is her bright yellow eyes, the woman leans closer and says.

~Nightmare woman~

"I'll see you soon, my little baby"

Kumiko then wakes up in a cold sweat, she's wondering what that dream meant, she then looks at her alarm clock and quickly realize that she overslept and she is late for class, she rushes herself to get ready and quickly she rushes out of her dorm room.

~To be continued~

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