Who Is My Mom

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Kumiko was getting ready for the dinner she's going to with her dad and Uraraka, but she was having a bit of trouble finding out what to wear.


"I have nothing nice to wear tonight, what am I going to do.


"Hey Kumiko what you doing?"

Kumiko runs to Shomo and grabs her shirt.


"Shomo I need you to help me find something nice to wear."


"Ok, let's see what we can find."

Shomo helps Kumiko by looking for something to wear, a few minutes have passed by and Shomo has made a decision.


"I have came to a decision, you should wear... None of these."


"B-but these are my only nice clothes."


"Don't worry, come to my room I think I have something for you to wear."

~Shomo's room~


"Ah, this one is perfect for you."

Shomo brings out a lime colored dress with red flowers on the left shoulder.


"Oh my gosh, it's perfect. You don't mind me wearing this?"


"Not at all, my mom made me that for me a few years back but I wasn't really the girly type."

Kumiko hugs Shomo out of thanks and began to put on the dress and applies a little bit of makeup after heading out of the dorms, she receives a message from her dad.

~Deku's message~

"Kumiko there's a car is waiting for you in the front of UA."

Kumiko sees the the car that will be taking her to the restaurant, after Kumiko gets in the car, the driver begins to take her where her dad and Uraraka are having dinner, a few minutes has passed by during the drive to the restaurant, the driver then stops in front of a very fancy looking restaurant Kumiko gets out the car and sees her dad and Ochako waiting in front other restaurant for her, she rushes towards them and hugs them both.


"So are you two ready to go in and have dinner together?"

Deku, Ochako, and Kumiko heads inside the restaurant and sits down at their table and begins ordering for themselves, Kumiko always love having dinner with her dad and Uraraka.


"So how is school going for you Kumiko?"


"Oh it's going great Uraraka."


"Kumiko you do know you don't have to call me by my last name, you can just call me mom."


"Oh, sorry about that Urar-, I mean mom."

There was a reason why Kumiko always called Uraraka by her first name instead of mom, the reason was Kumiko always knew that Uraraka was never related to her but that was okay cause she saw her as a mom, but sometimes Kumiko will be thinking what her actual mom and she look like and what she was actually like, an hour has passed by and Kumiko, Deku, and Uraraka finished having dinner and we're about to leave.


"Umm Dad can I ask you something?"


"Sure thing sweetie, what do you want to tell me."


"I want to know who's my actual mom is, I know I used to ask you this question a lot when I was younger but then you used to find a way to dodge the question, but this time I what to know, who is my mom?


"Uh I don't know what to say?"


"(Sighs) you know what, just forget I asked, thanks for the dinner I had go time."

Kumiko hugs and kisses her dad on the check and begins to walk away.


'Kumiko wait, don't you want a lift back to to UA?"


"No, I'll just walk to the train station and walk back to UA."

Deku don't say anything else to Kumiko while she walks away.


"Hey Deku are you ok?"




"Is Kumiko walking to the train station?"



~Kumiko walking~

As Kumiko walks to the train station all she can think of is what her mom looks, sounds, and acts like, what makes her even more sad is that she doesn't even know what her name is.

~Goon 1~

"Hey girly!"

Kumiko turns around and see three men approaching her.

~Goon 1~

"Aren't you the daughter of the number one hero?"

Kumiko begins to walk back until she bumps into another one of those men, the Fourth man gravs Kumiko be the head and slams her into the concrete, after hitting the concrete Kumiko is nearly conscious.

~Goon 2~

"We're going to get so much money for doing this."

As the fourth goon tries to pick up Kumiko a knife appears and slits his throat open, the three other goons look back and see him bleed out they begin to look around to see who did it all of a sudden the second moon gets a knife thrown at him between his eyes, the Second goon tries to run away but ends up with a knife in his chest.

~Goon 1~

"Show yourself."

All of a sudden a knife appears under his chin, the knife Grace is his neck but not cut him just yet but all of a sudden a woman spoke behind him saying.


"You boys shouldn't have done that to my daughter."

Toga slits his throat killing him instantly toga beacon to walk towards Kumiko and kneels down to her and says.


"It's okay now, mommy's here.

~To be continued~

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