on your trail

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Police were investigating the four dead bodies found in a alleyway, the hero Shoto Todoroki was also at the crime scene and after seeing the four dead bodies he quickly called Deku to come to the crime scene so he can tell him that he probably information.

~On the crime scene~


"Hey Todoroki what did you wanted to tell me?"


"Good your finally here, there's something I need to show you than tell you, the police and I were investigating the homicide that happened last night, the four bodies were killed by knife, I think it could Himiko Toga that done this."

Deku observes the bodies looking for a reason why she killed them?


"Why would she kill them though?"


"Perhaps to defend herself."


"But why would she need to defend yourself the only people that are looking for are the police and the other pro heroes?"


"You're right, wait has anyone talked to Toya about her escape?"


"now that I think about it I don't think anyone has talked to him about Toga's escape yet."


"Then that means I'll be visiting my brother."

Todoroki then head to Isengard Penitentiary to go talk with Toya, but Deku stayed behind to try looking for clues about where he can find Toga.

~Isengard Penitentiary~


"Hey there little brother, come to talk to me about your family again?"


No, I'm actually here to talk to you about Himiko Toga escape and where we could find her."


"It was a matter of time that one of you pro heroes to come and talk to me about that, but I did not expect you to talk to me?"


"I need answers Toya, why did she escape?, what does she want?, and where can we find her?"


"You want answers do you well that's too bad cause I don't have any, looks like when she escaped she wasn't planning on telling anyone, but I think I know what she wants."


"Tell me now."


"I think she went to go see her daughter, she used to tell me that when she meets her daughter she will show her the most love and affection that any mother can give to there child."


"I see, thank you for your time Toya."


"Hey Shoto, when I ever get out of here how about me, you, Natsuo, and Fuyumi have dinner together to catch up on old times sake."


"I like that very much Toya, I'll come visit you again soon."

Todoroki begins to leave from Isengard penitentiary, but as he leaves the front door he reaches for his phone and calls his daughter.

~Phone call between Shoto & Shomo~


"Hey dad what's up?"


"Shomo I need you to do something very important."


"What is it?"


"I need you to protect Kumiko at any means possible."


"What do you mean by protecting her at any means possible?, What's going on?"


"I can't tell you now, but I promise I'll give you all the information later just protect her."


"Okay Dad I'll protect her, you can count on me."

Todoroki then hangs up and and goes to tell Deku about what Toga wants.


Shomo looks at her phone wondering what could be happening right now, for right now she knows one thing that she must protect  her best friend no matter what.


"Shomo are you alright?"


"Y-yeah I'm fine, are you really wearing that weird sweater you just got?"


"Yeah, I think it looks cute on me, don't you agree?"


"You're right it does look cute on you."

~To be continued~

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