The Daughter Of Good And Evil

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When Toga and Dabi got better they were sent to a police station to wait for further orders to see what they were going to do with the both of them, but they weren't in there for too long, the both of them were released from custody by having their criminal record completely wiped, while walking straight out of the police station they see there family in front waiting for them, Toga couldn't help but to smile to see Deku and Kumiko waiting for her, and Kumiko was also like that as well to finally have her mom in her life now, Kumiko then run straight towards Toga and leaps into her arms giving her a the biggest hug she can give her, but while Kumiko was hugging Toga she couldn't help herself but to shed some tears of joy, on finally having her real mom with her at last.


"It's okay Kumiko you don't have to cry, mommy's finally here with."

Deku then approaches the two and joins in the hug.


"Welcome home, Toga."

With those words Deku reveals a a ring in front of Toga and ask the biggest question that she's only dreamed of hearing coming out of his mouth.


"Will you marry me Toga?"


"Yes! Yes I'll marry you Izuku!"

Deku leans in and kisses Toga on the lips and slips on the ring, and Kumiko is very happy that she just saw her dad just proposed to her in front of her, and Dabi was also very happy to hear that Toga was going to get married with the same boy she's obsessed over the years, Dabi was very happy that she had finally has a family of her own, but while he was looking at Toga and her new family he suddenly feels a hand on his shoulder.


"Hey Toya let's go home."


"Ok, let's go home Shoto."

Dadi then walks with his little brother towards his family that has been waiting for him to finally come home, the first person to approach Dabi his other brother Natsuo.


"It's good to see you again Toya."


"Same here little brother."

They both laugh and hug each other, but then his sister approaches him as well you finally greet him home.


"You've changed so much haven't you Toya?"


"Yeah I have and it looks like I'm not the only one."

Dabi then hugs his sister that he peasant seen for long.


"Toya there is someone I really want you to meet."

Todoroki then brings Toya towards his wife and his daughter and son.


"This is my wife Momo, but you already know her."


"It is nice to meet you again Momo, my little brother always always talked about you when he visited me, and thank you for watching over shoto."


"You're very welcome, and it is also nice to meet you again Toya."

Dabi puts his hand out to shake hers but Momo movies on the side and gives him a welcoming hug.


"And these two are our children, Shomo and Moto."

Dabi approaches the two twins to get a better look at them.


"It's nice to finally meet you two I heard so much about you, especially you Shomo."

Shomo is a bit shocked from knowing that this man she is meaning for the first time knows about her and her brother Moto.


"It's nice to finally meet you as well uncle Toya."

Moto sticks out his hands to shake his uncle's hand, but Shomo doesn't like the feeling of this EX villain being related to her, so she refused to greet herself to him, but Dabi wasn't going anywhere after he hears his niece welcome him.


"Hey there Shomo, I heard that you the childhood friend of my friend's daughter, and that you protected for quite a while."

After Dabi said those words to Shomo that quickly grabs her attention and made her listen what he had to say, cause if it had to do with Kumiko she had to listen.


"Yeah did and I'll do anything to protect her because she is my best friend."


"That's good, and I too will protect my friend as well."

From hearing those words from coming out of this EX villain mouth she knew right there that they are very similar.


"My name is Shomo Todoroki and it is nice to finally meet you uncle Toya."

~3 years later~

A lot has happened over the last three years, Toga had her wedding with Deku and Dabi finally had a nice dinner with his family, but most importantly Kumiko and Shomo are now graduating from UA, and Kumiko has been chosen to be the top hero of UA.


"Excuse me Kumiko Midoriya what do you have to say for yourself for being the top hero of UA?"


"I am very happy to be a hero, but I didn't get here alone, I want to thank all of the Todoroki family, the hero Uravity, and especially I want to thank my mom and dad.


"But I heard that your mother was part of the league of villains."


"Yes she was but now she is with my father who is also a hero, and with both of them that made me, and that makes me The daughter of good and evil, and I'm proud to say that out loud."


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