She Is There For Me

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After what Kumiko just experience with Uraraka she didn't know what to do but run, she ran as fast as she can until she stopped at a park to figure out what's going on, she sat on a bench trying to process why Ochako would try to do that to her, but nothing will come to mind trying to figure that out but what really made her think is why Uraraka wanted to take away the sweater that belong to her mom.


"Why did Uraraka try to take away the sweater that belonged to my mom?"

Kumiko begins to cry on thinking about the situation that just happened, her crying suddenly stops when she feels a gentle hand on her cheek, Kumiko looks up and sees Toga wiping off her tears from her eyes, Toga sits next to Kumiko giving her comfort that she doesn't need to cry anymore.


"Kumiko are you alright?, Why were you crying?"


"I-I got in a disagreement with someone I care about."


"It's okay you don't have to tell me the full story I just don't want to see you sad."

Kumiko hugs Toga, showing Toga that she is someone else Kumiko can come to when something goes wrong.


"I see that you wearing the gift I sent to you."


"Oh yeah, thank you so much, but why did you have the sweater that belong to my mom?"


"Kumiko I need to tell you something very important."


"What is it?"


"Kumiko I'm your m-"



Kumiko turns around and sees Shomo approaching her and Toga.


"S-Shomo what are you doing here?"


"I came after you dummy, I was worried about you are, you okay now?"


"Yes I'm fine now you don't have to worry about me anymore."

Shomo hugs Kumiko for knowing that she is safe now, but while Shomo was hugging Kumiko she sees the woman that Kumiko was with and for some reason Shomo has a bad feeling about her.


"Hey Kumiko who is she?"


"Oh this is Himiko Toga she's a friend of my dad and she's the one I told you about remember."


"Oh yeah I remember, well anyways we should get back to UA and explain ourselves on what happened."


"No I don't want to go back."


"Kumiko what are you talking about we have to go back or else they're going to come looking for us."


"I just don't want to see her right now."


"If you don't mind me interrupting, Kumiko would you like to stay at my place?"


"I can stay with you?"

Suddenly Shomo grabs Kumiko and pulls her aside so she can talk to her on the decision she just made right now.


"Hey what's wrong with you?"


"What's wrong with me what's wrong with you?, Why did you agree on staying at her place, you don't know anything about this woman she could be dangerous."


"No she's not dangerous."


"Then how do you know?"


"I don't, but when I'm with her she makes me feel safe and she makes me feel happy like she is supposed to be in my life."


"Okay if you're going with her then I'm going to I just want to keep my best friend safe."

Kumiko and Shomo go with Toga back to the place where she was hiding out.

~Back at UA~

Deku and Todoroki arrive to UA to see what just happened between Kumiko a Uraraka, but when they got there Bakugo was there already.


"K-Kacchan what are you doing here?"


"I was in the area and I saw blue flames coming from UA and I figured it might have been one of icy hots kids, and when I got to the area where the flames were I found Uraraka crying to herself, I asking her what happened and she told me that Kumiko ran away."


"Did she say where!?"


"No she didn't, but she did tell me that icy hot kids were chasing after."

After Bakugo said Moto appeared shouting out for his dad.


"Dad you're herethank goodness."


"Moto what happened where's Shomo and Kumiko?"


"Shomo went after Kumiko, she said to me that you told her to keep Kumiko save."


"I see, thank you for telling me son."


"Dad what's going on I'm worried about Shomo and Kumiko."


"I can tell you right now son, but when this is over I'll tell you and your sister everything I promise."


"Okay Dad just make sure that Shomo and Kumiko are safe."


"I promise, now go back to your dorm while we figure something out."

Moto runs back to his dorm leaving Deku, Todoroki, and Bakugo to figure out a plan they can make up to find out where Kumiko and Shomo ran off to.


"We need to figure out where they went before that freak can get her hands on them."


"Okay you two figure out a plan I need to go check up on Ochako, I need to figure out what happened between Ochako and Kumiko."


"You do what you have to do me and Bakugo we'll figure something out."


"Thanks guys."

~To be continued~

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