Schuyler Sisters

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Y'all should like this one. Also my neighbors are being very noisy so this is how I try to ignore them. Also once this story is over I might make some one shots for this.

Angelica, Eliza, And Peggy were walking home from school when Angelica got an idea. "Hey let's go to diner instead of home right away! I'm starving." Eliza was down with this plan but Peggy, as always, was opposed to the idea.

 "Uh heck no! Daddy told us to be home by 5 and it's already 4:30!" She protested. "Daddy doesn't have to know" Eliza shot back. She was pretty hungry too and she wanted to meet some boys. She had gone a big boy crazy since the summer and was determined to get a boyfriend by the end of 7th grade.

 "And you are only a 6th grader. You can't tell us what to do!" She and Angelica laughed together as their sister go more irritated. "But the diner is downtown and daddy said that place is dangerous." She protested once more. 

Angelica rolled her eyes "Peggy, it's not that scary. I've been before and it's not that bad. And I'm an 8th grade so you have to listen to me." Angelica pulled her sisters along as Peggy rolled her eyes and sighed. They never listened to her no matter what. And she knew neither of them were very hungry. They just wanted to meet guys.

Aaron just happened to be buying an ice cream sundae when the girls showed up. When he saw them, he jumped for joy in his head. This could be his chance to finally sit at the cool kids table! To be at the table where everything happens! 

He walked over to them, slid into their booth and said "ladies!,,,,,,," The girls rolled their eyes and said in unison "Aaron..." sarcastically. "A little birdie told me y'all were single." He said smoothly. "Your little birdie is correct but forgot a minor detail." Angelica said.

 "And what may that be?" Aaron questioned "Its just that..." she said softly. Aaron leaned in closer to hear her. She grabbed him by the ear and said much louder. "WE DONT LIKE YOU!" Aaron fell down and walked quickly away.

The girls high fives and Peggy looked back at Aaron. She mouthed "sorry" when he caught her eyes. Peggy always wanted to be friends with the guys. She wanted to be on the basketball team, and she wanted to drink Gatorade with them. She loved her sisters, and they loved her but she didn't enjoy the things they enjoyed doing. 

She wasn't part of any clubs since she wasn't interested in them. She was on the lacrosse team but nobody really knew that lacrosse was at her school anyway. She liked playing tennis but her school didn't have a team. 

Angelica played guitar and had a book club. Angelica also danced. Eliza took French lessons and played piano. She also loved to beatbox and Peggy always found that great. Eliza And Peggy once write a rap song but it didn't get very far. 

Peggy was always looking for something more. She hoped that in 6th grade, She would find it.

Hey people how are y'all doing. If you are reading this I hope you are enjoying this fanfic. I currently have written 3 chapters in a single morning so this whole fanfic might be done today idk I'm rlly enjoying writing it tho. Hope you are liking it :)

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