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These next chapters are going to be about Peggy. I promise we will get back to the basketball thing soon!

Back a few days before the winter's dance: Peggy was standing at her locker, taking her books out, when Laff came up to her. "Salut pegpeg zou going to ze dance on Samedi?" "Yeah I am. You?" Peggy asked. "Oui mon amie. Do zou want to come to ma maison today?" Laff asked.

"Yeah sure see ya then" Peggy replied. She was happy to go all she had to do was tell her sisters she was going. 

Later that day, she was at his house. He brought her to his basement/game room. He had old 80s video games and an area to shoot nerf guns at a target. He even had a basketball hoop right outside his basement door.

After a few hours of playing games, they sat on his couch an played PlayStation. It was getting cold and Peggy forgot a jacket. Laff was wearing a grey L'lmpératrice hoodie over a black long sleeved t-shirt.

"Here mon amie" Laff took off his hoodie and put it on her. "Thanks Laff" she thanked him. "Keep it, I have like cinq." He reassured her. Another hour passed and it was time for her to leave. "I hope I see zou on Samedi mon amie" he said.

"Can't wait." Peggy smiled. Laff kissed her on the cheek and she left. She was blushing furiously on her way home. She got home and put the hoodie in her closet. She noticed that something was in the pocket so she took it out.

It was a necklace with a yellow heart gem with a note. The note read: "saw this in a store and immediately thought of you. It would make me happy if you wore it to the dance.   Ton ami, Marquis de Lafayette.

Peggy was dumbfounded. He really saw this necklace in a store a bought it for her? A 6th grader? She was so happy she couldn't stop singing. She danced around her room and annoyed her sisters until it was time for bed, and she went to sleep knowing he thought about her every once in a while.

The day of the dance: Peggy and her sisters walked in and Peggy immediately started looking for Laff. After a bit of dancing she saw him come in. She was wearing the necklace and started walking towards him until she noticed who he was walking towards.

He was walking to Angelica...

Peggy at first thought it was fine. He was just saying hi to her right? About a hour passed and he was still talking her ear off. He hadn't talked to Peggy the entire time she was there. She wanted to run away from everything. 

She finally had had enough and took off the necklace and dropped it on the floor. Laff saw her do this and ran over to her. "Whoa mon amie what are zou doing?!" She kept walking away. He grabbed her shoulder and she snapped..


She picked the necklace off the ground and through it in his face and ran out into the school's garden. She sat on the bench next to the wishing well and cried. She then saw another person run towards the well

"Laurens?" She asked. Why was he here? Why did it look like he was crying? Laurens laughed slightly through tears. "Hi Peggy" he tried to dry his tears with his sleeve. "What's wrong?" She walked over to him and put her hand on his shoulder.

He hesitated before speaking. "Peggy I think I'm gay." Peggy was caught a little off guard. Sure she had a theory that maybe he was but she didn't think it was true. "Yeah I kinda assumed that but why are you crying? I've met your parents they are super chill with that."

"Because I'm in love with Alex." Peggy was caught off guard again. "Well that is unexpected!" Laurens tried to dry his tears some more. Peggy reached in her bag for a handkerchief and found the note Laff gave her with the necklace.

She gave Laurens the handkerchief and he looked at her sad face. "Why are you out here?" Peggy looked down and just handed him Laff's note. "Wow you are lucky, he doesn't do anything for anyone." "Lucky isn't the word I would use." Peggy replied. Laurens looked back at her. "He hasn't talked to you tonight, has he...."

"Nope!" She said with a fake smile. She felt a tear roll down her face as Laurens' face got all angry. "What the hell is wrong with him!?" He started marching towards the door of the gym to yell at Laff but Peggy stopped him.

"No use now..he likes my sisters. I can't believe I let myself get used like that!" She leaned on the stone well and looked down into the glistening water. She pulled a quarter out of her bag. "I wish that this had never happened." She said as she threw the quarter in.

She knew that it wouldn't work, but she just had to try. Her and Laurens talked the rest of the night until it was time to go home. They said bye and she rejoined her sisters. The night was bitter sweet. Laff had hurt her badly, but she had gained a new friend.

1 week later: Peggy and Laff were still not talking to each other, but she was still sad about the dance. She told herself he was a lying douchebag that she should never talk to again, but she knew she couldn't stop herself from wishing they could go back to being friends

She still wore his hoodie on cold days but she knew she shouldn't. She internally yelled at herself. Why did she feel like they broke up? They were never together! She had burned the note he gave her.

Her best friend was Laurens and she was happy with that. She knew he could never hurt her, since he didn't like girls. Laff had tried to talk to her but she's just ignored him. He tried to put the necklace in her locker or her pocket but she would just put it back in his locker with an angry note.

She knew she couldn't stand keeping him in the doghouse for much longer but she couldn't forgive him for that night. 

Hey people so this chapter is kinda weird I know but I just am hoping you like it. Love ya to pieces ❤️ 

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