You'll be back

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I tried to take a break from writing today but that's when I realized I have nothing better to do. So here is You will be back

The next day all the basketball players received an email from the coach of the England Rulers basketball team, George. Earlier last year George had asked the coach of the basketball team to send the England Middle team money. Obviously they said no and the two schools because enemies.

The email: to the basketball players and coach of America Middle, we used to be such good  school colleagues, why will you not give us money for our new uniforms? Now I know our old ones are only a year old but still you need to pay us! We will win this year's championship and we will be school colleagues again. You will be our allies again I know it. Remember we made an arrangement when we decided to be friends. You are making us very very mad. I will send my fiercest players to remind of our friendship. You say that our partnership is over and we can't make up, but you will Ben the one complaining when we are not there defending you against other basketball teams. I will send my players to injure yours to remind you of our friendship.

Sincerely, Coach George III

K this was a short chapter but the next one will be longer I promise. Love ya!

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