What Did I Miss

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Time for me to pull a me and do a PERSPECTIVE CHANGEEEEE! So small thing, when I made Sally the receptionist, I didn't know who Sally Hemmings was, so we are gonna ignore the weirdness of Sally being the receptionist. Hope you enjoy the chapter :)


He was home.

Finally home.

Thomas had been in France since the start of 6th grade, and he finally was home. He couldn't wait to see what had changed, see what hadn't, Etc. Violin case in one hand, suitcase in the other, he stepped into his house for the first time in oh so long.


About a day after coming home, he got an email from Sally, the receptionist, telling him that Mr. Washington wants him to be Student Council Secretary when he returns to the school on Monday.

"Jesus" he thought. "I guess I'm just irresistible!"


He arrived at school on Monday, and was greeted by his old friend (and former crush) James Madison.

"Jimmy! What's up loser, long time no see!"

James suddenly grabbed Thomas' arm. Thomas attempted to suppress the amount of serotonin that was released from his body as a reaction.

"Thomas, this is serious." James whispered, afraid someone would hear.

"What's going on?" Thomas asked, once again hiding his content with the interaction with James that he had been without for 2 years.

"This dickhead named Alex is ruining everything! I need your help to get him kicked out of student council. He is a big asshole, and he talks over everyone."

"Damn jesus I just got here but ok." Said Thomas.

"His dad is Mr. Washington, and he is trying to convince the school board to try a new way of teaching that involves longer class periods! You have to stop him!"

Thomas looked down at James. He looked like an angry chihuahua. Thomas pretended to not find that absolutely adorable.

"Whatever you say Mads"


Later, in Washington's office, Thomas was going through introductions.

"This is my son Alex," Washington said and Alex and Thomas shook hands. Madison elbowed Thomas to signal that he was who he was talking about earlier.

"And this is our Vice Principal-."

"Mr. Adams." Thomas finished the phrase for Washington. "We met at France Academy, he was the debate teacher there."

"You were one of my most promising students, if I recall." Adams mentioned. He suddenly got a phone call. "Sorry, I must take this, it is my wife, Abigail." He walked out of the room.

Alex rolled his eyes. In his eyes, Adams put his wife at too high of a priority. They were in a meeting for Christ's sake!

"Well, Thomas, welcome back to America Middle!"

Thomas looked at James, who looked back with a smile.

"It's good to be back."



I gotta say I am having a really tough time, so I'm sorry that I'm always late for posting. I try as best I can, I promise. Anyway, see ya next time! Love ya!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2022 ⏰

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