Ten Duel Commandments

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Time for the ten IDIOT commandments. Ok technically this part was supposed to be in the last chapter but that one took so long to make I had to put it in the beginning of this one. I know the last chapter wasn't high quality but HEY IM TRYING HERE IM ONLY 12 GIMMIE A BREAK. (I realize my age has nothing to do with my work quality but still)

Disclaimer!: intense bullying, slight violence, touchy language, excessive gay cuteness.


The next practice after the game: Washington had realized that the only reason Laff was playing so hard to cause him to have heat exhaustion, was because one of their players was missing. (Hint hint wink wink it was Charles Lee)

Guess who decided to be a little snitch and tell Washington about Lee's retreat from the game? ALEXANDER HAMILTON-WASHINGTON. 

Washington pulled Lee into his office and he sat in the chair that stood in front of Washington's desk while Washington was sitting behind his desk with Alexander smirking on is right. 

"Mr. Lee I've been hearing that you ran away during our last game." 

"Uhmmm....Yeah...I did do that..."

"Would you like to tell us why?"

Charles didn't talk for about 6 minutes before saying "...no..."

Ok random thing from the author but do you ever write something and then realize it worked out more perfect than you planned? Cause that happened to me when I realized that in the song they literally say "have Lafayette take the lead" and it just works so WELL.

Long story short, he was kicked off the basketball team. BUT WAIT THERE'S MORE! (God this already sounds like a dumpster fire lol) Lee started going around telling all of his classmates rumors about Washington. For instance,

"Washington once chopped down a cherry tree that a nest of birds lived in, and he didn't even care!"

"Washington only adopted Alex to be his slave."

"Washington has cancer, that's why he's bald."

Alexander wanted to strangle Lee. He couldn't stand the thought of his father, adopted or not, being insulted by someone so primitive. He had to do something about this. Unfortunately, Washington had told him-no-ordered him not to talk, argue, or think about Lee. 


So Alex did what he usually did when he was upset. He went to John.

"I'm tired of my dad treating me like a kid"

"You are a kid Alex."

"Thatsth besthidesth the point!"

John took another swing of his root beer. Alex was so cute when he was mad.

"And then I want to deal with Lee but dad won't let me." Alex said frustrated.

"Maybe you should just ignore Lee. He has nothing on you or Washington."  John said, trying to reassure him. "Or just ask me and I'll beat him up for you." 

Alex chuckled at the thought of innocent little John  actually hitting someone.

"Yeah sure sthave me the time."


A few days later, Alex and John were walking down the hall when Lee and Burr came up to them.

"Well look who it is!" Lee said jerkily. He blocked the boys path so that they couldn't go further. "It's the little slave boy!" He said.

Burr didn't say anything. He didn't know why he was helping Lee bully two of his friends, maybe he knew that Lee was at least slightly popular, or maybe it was cause he was done of Alex's shit.

"Shove off Lee." John said aggravated. 

"What! Alex and I are just having a bit of fun! Right Alex?" Lee smacked the back of Alex's head.

"Seriously Lee stop it." John protested one more time.

Lee completely disregarded this request. "Question, Alex, Was your real father as bad as Washington?" 

That was the last straw. Alex couldn't take it anymore! Right as he was going to punch Lee, John grabbed him. (lee)

John grabbed Lee and shoved him up against a locker. "You listen here! You talk to my friend like that again, your dead!" Lee was screaming, then said "He fucking deserves it! Little whores son!"

Then John did something Alex didn't think it was possible for John to do. He straight up punched him, right in the face. "DON'T CALL HIM THAT YOU BITCH!"

Alex wanted to cheer John on, but he knew John would get in trouble. "John stop!"

John stopped punching but still held lee against the lockers. "4pm, outside the gym. Your dead." He dropped lee and lee scampered off.


April 15th, 4pm, outside the gym: The New England air was unusually cold for this time. I mean sure I was still cold in March but by April it was usually over. I digress 

John brought Alex with him, and Lee brought Burr. For some reason Lee wasn't done being a prick.

"Hey there whore's son! Nice to see your boyfriend brought you along!" 

"He's not my boyfriend" the two said at the same time. "I'm gonna kick your ass Lee!" John exclaimed. 

As proper code of fights, the two sent out their seconds. "Alex can you talk some sense into John?"

"Ok first of all I don't think anyone can stop John at this point and also Lee fucking deserves this!" Alex exclaimed.

"Ya know what I'm done go fight see if I care." Burr walked off.

Slowly, John walked up to Lee as Alex and Burr walked away 

Lee, hands shaking out of fear went for the first punch.

Quickly, John stopped the punch with his hand, kicked lee in the nuts, and punched him in the face at least 3 times...

...with a thud...lee fell to the ground...passed out.


Sorry I made y'all wait so long for this. Since the beginning of writing this chapter I have turned 13, gotten braces, and have adopted a new aesthetic as my favorite. (Old Hollywood) Hope you love this :)

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