I won't say I'm in love.

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Hey so non laffeggy shippers should leave here. Sorry not sorry. I pinkie promise that after this Alex will be the main focus again. 

Peggy, in her long yellow lace-up dress, walked up to the hill to the bleachers behind the outdoor basketball court. Her heart beat faster as she walked. Why was she doing this? She was missing her sister's dating reception to meet her sister's boyfriends best friend who she was still mad at.

She stopped walking for a second and looked out onto the playground. It was empty and silent, you could have heard a pin drop. She continued walking and met Laff at the bleachers. He stood up upon seeing her. 

"Peggy, zou look étourdissant—."Peggy stopped him in his tracks. "Don't try it.. just tell me why you called me here." They both sat down and Laff started explaining. "Peggy I care a lot about zou."

Peggy sarcastically laughed. "Oh really!? Then why did you completely ignore me at the dance?" "I didn't realize zou were there Peggy. I didn't see zou until I saw the necklace fall." "Well you didn't take much time to look!"

"Peggy I—." She cut him off again. "Forget it I'm leaving." Before she could go he pulled her face to his and kissed her. All time slowed. All the two of them knew was each other. After about a minute and a half of this, Laff pulled away as Peggy felt something brush on her neck. 

She had her eyes closed for a bit after the kiss and after opening them, Laff had disappeared. She felt her neck and noticed he put the necklace on her in the midst of the kiss. Peggy couldn't stop herself from blushing. 

She's didn't want to smile. This boy had toyed with her heart since they met! Why did she still like him! She walked back to the reception. There was only 20 minutes left and Peggy was ready to go home.

The girls' father brought them home and they all went into their rooms. Peggy took off the necklace and put it in her jewelry box. She pulled out the grey hoodie Laff gave her and put it on. She went to go climb into her nest when Eliza asked her a question that stopped her in her tracks.

"Hey wait a minute- I didn't know you liked french bands." Peggy turned around and said "well I do.." She didn't know why she was hesitant to tell her sister about Laff. Probably because she didn't quite know how to explain it.

"Wait a second- THATS LAFF'S ISNT IT!?" Eliza squealed. "Ok yeah but don't tell anyone." Peggy requested. Too late. Eliza was already running down the hall at full speed to Angelica's room. "ANGIE, PEGGY IS WEARING LAFF'S HOODIE!!!" She ran back down the hall to Peggy 

"WHAT!?" Angie dried her tears from crying over Alex and ran *also full speed* towards Peggy and Eliza's room. "I CAME AS SOON AS I HEARD!!" They sat on the floor and Eliza said "TELL US EVERYTHING!!!" 

Peggy rolled her eyes "idk ok! It just kinda happened..I'm still not sure how I feel about it *whispering* we also may have kissed..." The girls heard and started squealing in frequencies only dogs can hear. "Will you two calm down! It's nothing ok! I'm still mad at him and I can't get a crush on him!

Her sisters laughed. "Honey who do you think your fooling? We can tell you love him!" Angelica pestered. "Uhhhhh love is too strong a word for this situation." Peggy protested "Say it!" The two girls said in unison.

"NOOOOO!" Peggy ran out of the room "NO WAY!" She walked into the hallway "ugh get a grip Peggy..." she whispered to herself "Oh she's got it bad.." Eliza sighed. Angelica grabbed the necklace from Peggy's jewelry box and came back down the hall.

Peggy turned around and saw Angelica with her hair up pretending to be Lafayette. "Hon hon hon sweet Peggy mon amour I adore zou so muchhhh! BAGUETTES!" Eliza burst out laughing on the floor. "That not even what he sounds like!" Peggy protested as she took the necklace back.

Angelica and Eliza were on the floor laughing. Peggy sighed as her sisters whispered one more time "Say it..." Peggy looked them straight in the eyes and said "fine...maybe, JUST MAYBE....I'm a tad tiny bit in love..." Her sister squealed some more.

"Ugh why can't you two chill..." Peggy walked back into her room and put the necklace back in her jewelry box. She climbed onto her top bunk and listened to music until she fell asleep and dreamed of Marquis de Lafayette.....

Well that was a fun one wasn't it? Ok the main focus is back on Alex now I promise. It might waver here and there from Alex to Peggy to Angie to maybe even Laff and Laurens idk yet. I just hope that whoever you are, you are enjoying my story. Love ya ❤️ 

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