Helpless part 2

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Ok so my creative juices are flowing again so I got to get this done before they are gone. Got my playlist, homemade matcha latte, air conditioning running, my fav t shirt on. I think I'm ready let's do this!

1 week later: "OMG Alex texted me again!" Eliza squealed on her phone. Both her sisters rolled their eyes. "Maybe that's cause you are in a conversation with him!" Peggy said from the top bunk.

Peggy was in her top bunk nest, reading a book and texting her group chat with the boys. Angelica was in their room doing homework on their desk because her desk was given to her little brother and their parents were being stubborn in buying her a new one.

Eliza was wearing her blue kitty pajamas. Angelica was wearing a pastel pink nightgown and her hair was in full curly puff. Peggy was just wearing a oversized hoodie and yellow pajama pants. The girls had never seen the hoodie before so they wondered where she got it.

"Betsey (Eliza) will you stop talking about it, I'm trying to read!" Peggy put her hood up and put headphones on to try to ignore Eliza. "Yeah betsey I'm trying to finish my essay." Angelica said. Her homework had doubled since becoming an 8th grader. 

"You are just jealous bc you want him to be with you." Eliza joked. "Ha yea sure I am.." Angelica said before going back to writing. "Why are you even writing that on paper? You have a laptop to write it on." Peggy asked from her little nest.

"Because when you write by hand it means more, and you can't copy and paste so the teacher knows you are a good student." Angelica explained. "Did you copy off the internet?" Eliza asked "Yes but the teacher doesn't know that." Angelica said. The three girls shared a laugh. 

All three of them knew that something was prob going to happen soon that would change their year, for better or worse.

2 weeks later: Eliza was having a panic attack as Alex tried to convince her dad, mom, and younger brothers to let him date her. Her sisters were trying to calm her down. They gave her a paper bag and she breathed into it every two minutes.

Eliza knew that her mother, Cathrine, was on her side but her father didn't look like he was budging. Angelica went to the bathroom after a while but after about 3 minutes of her being gone, Peggy heard a little sad squeal come from the bathroom door. 

She walked over and knocked on the door. "Angie you alright?" She asked. "Ye-Yeah I'm fine" Angelica whimpered from inside the bathroom. "Are you sure?" Peggy knew something was up. "No...." Peggy heard more crying noises. "Can I come in?" Peggy asked. "Yeah...." Angelica said. 

Peggy opened the door to find a soaked in tears Angelica, sitting on the floor of the bathroom, tissues surrounding her. Her mascara was running slightly, holding her knees to her chest. "Why wasn't it me?" Angelica cried through tears. Peggy went over and sat right next to her, petting her hair. 

"I don't know sis." She let Angie lay on her head on her lap. Suddenly, they heard a happy yell come from the living room. "GUYS WHERE ARE YOU!? DAD SAID ALEX CAN DATE ME!!!!" Eliza screamed. Angelica cried harder after that. "COMING BETSEY!" Peggy yelled back at her.

"Come on Angie we got to fix your makeup.." Peggy told her sister. They got Angie all fixed up and walked over to the living room. Eliza and Alex were hugging and he was talking to her.

"Betsthey, I don't have any money to my name, I don't have much to give to you. All I have is sthlight popularity, a couple of math factsth in my brain, and of coursth my brain itsthelf. I promisth to love you and never hurt you." 

They hugged once more. Angelica thought she was going to be sick. Eliza ran over to her sisters and hugged them tightly. Alex ran up and joined their group hug. They all fell down to the floor and laughed.

"I think we are stuck." Peggy said. "Dad help!" Angie yelled. 

A few days later: the official America middle school dating ceremony was ready to commence. Every time two people at that school started dating, they had a ceremony to commemorate it. You had a second to help you prepare, you treated it a lot like a wedding.

They set up the isle with a black rug they found in the school storage area. They told all their parents they would have to stay at school about an hour longer and that Mr Washington would be overseeing it. 

They set up folding chairs left and right of the isle. ok helpless just came on my playlist that's so cool. Angelica was Eliza's second but Peggy did a lot of the work. Laurens was Alex's second so he, Angelica, and Peggy spent a lot of time together while setting it up.

They went to a nearby meadow to pick blue flowers for Eliza and for Alex's jacket. Then everyone had to decide their roles in the ceremony.  Peggy was thinking about which of Alex's friends would walk her down when Laff came up to her

"Salut Peggeroni what's poppin?" Peggy didn't even look up from her planner that she organized the ceremony "don't talk to me. You know what you did." Laff sighed and shook his head. "Dammit Peggy will zou just forgive me!?" He looked at her but she refused to look at him

"Listen Alex said I'm walking you down the isle for the dating ceremony so you have to look at me at one point." He moved the hair away from her face and kissed her cheek before walking off.

Peggy started extremely blushing. (This will all be explained in later chapters) she went back to her planner hoping nobody saw what happened. Unlucky for her, both her sisters saw. They didn't know why Laff was in Peggy's doghouse but they were too busy to find out.

(this officially the longest chapter I've ever written so far) 

Finally it was actually time for the ceremony. All the guests sat in their seats as it began. First down the isle was Alex and Washington, followed by Laurens walking Angelica down. Then came Laff and Peggy. Before they finished walking, Laff whispered into Peggy's ear. 

"Meet me at the hill behind the school during the reception." Peggy's eyes got wide as they separated at the end of the isle. Hercules followed them as the flower girl (per his request) then came Eliza being walked by her father.

After the ceremony Washington announced "you are now dating!" He had been to so many of these silly ceremonies that he was now the person you asked to officiate it. They all seemed to enjoy it.

Ima end it here cause this chapter is long enough. I hope you are enjoying this story as much as I enjoyed writing it. Also why can I only write details now and not dialogue lol. Sorry this was so long. Love ya ❤️ 

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