Chapter 91

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Kassie woke up the next morning. In her pjs, she sat up and stretched, her stomach gurgled a little. She sighed and looked at her friends sleeping. it was just after 9 in the morning. She looked to her bedside drawer above Jenn....she needed to tell them. She sat and waited till just before 10 when Jodi sat up. "Hey...Morning" Jodi spoke quietly. "Hi...theres something i need to tell you." She told Jodi. "Whats up?" She raised an eyebrow. "When everyone is up" Kassie nodded.

Everyone was up and awake by the time 10 came. They all sat looking at Kassie. "Whats up?" Jenn asked breaking the silence. "Has it to do with something over these past few weeks?" Cheryl asked. She nodded and kept silent. She laughed at herself then she began to cry. "Kassie?!" Jenn spoke up. "Im such a stupid bitch!" Kassie told them. "You are not!" Jodi told her offended. Kassie nodded. "Re...remember when i told you guys Mikey and I slept together?" The girls nodded. "Well....ever since the sunday he's been acting weird and a prick" She wiped away tears.

"I feel like you guys are right, about him just getting girls into bed....but he was really sweet and sometimes still is...ive just been bitching with him because i'm moody." She admitted. "Why are you moody?" Cheryl asked confused. Kassie sighed and sat up. She cleared her throat, and looked at the girls. "I'm late..." She spoke softly. "What do you mean?" Jodi asked confused. "This late!" Kassie spoke again. Silence fell. "Oh my gosh!" Cheryl covered her face. "Nooo!" Jenn gasped. "Wait! your not....?" Jodi asked.

Kassie shrugged. "I havent took a test...i was supposed to be due this week...but....." She shrugged. " have to get a test!" Cheryl wiped her face. "I have one...i couldnt do it alone" Tears escaped her eyes again. "Ohh!" Jodi got up and hugged her. Soon the girls all got up and joined all hugging Kassie. "Hey, we're here okay! you can tell us anything! we're always going to be here for you" Cheryl told her. "Yes, and we're not gonna judge you either!" Jenn hugged her.

The girls got up and had breakfast then all waitied outside Kassie's bathroom as she took the test. Walking out she sighed. "Still got a minute" She screwed her eyes. "Have you have symptoms?" Jenn asked. Kassie shrugged. "Ive been moody lately...i havent been feeling well...i dont know! im paranoid! i cant have a baby!" She choked back tears. She shook the blue stick lightly and took a deep breath. "How am i supposed to tell Mikey! My mom! shit! i cant have a baby at 18! what about college?!" She shook her head.

"You guys did use...." Jenn asked. "Of course!" Kassie looked at her. "Yeah, but there not 100% protective..." Jodi nudged Jenn and Cheryl nodded. "Okay i get it!" Kassie glared at them "Sorry" They all spoke. "Okay Kass..." Jenn nodded. Kassie sighed and looked at the blue stick. "Oh....!" she gapsed. "Are you?!" The girls asked shocked. "I dont know....theres 1 line...but another faint one!" Kassie gasped. "No, no, no!! i cant be! shit!!" She threw the stick down and collapsed onto her bed.

The girls looked at it on the floor and then looked at each other....they all sat on the bed trying to calm Kassie down. "Kass...." Cheryl spoke. "Theres only one way to find need to go to the doctors...." She sighed.

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