(II) Earth

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I know I am a descendant of the mighty Air Nomads, an airbender and somewhat of an adventurer, given how I literally hopped on a flying bison with the Avatar and two other people I never met before, without much hesitation. Still, I can't help but feel slightly uneasy when I realize we've spent the past few days practically traveling all day.

"Wait 'til you see it, Katara! The Air Temple is one of the most beautiful places in the world!" Aang babbles on, before he turns towards me with a wide smile. "Oh, I'm sure you'll love it, Alya!"

"I think I will, actually. I grew up on the Earth Kingdom's shores, so I've never actually gone to the temples before. Are the stories true, about the flying bison and pie bakeries?"

Aang nodded. "Not to brag or anything, but the Southern Air Temple makes the absolute BEST pies in all the temples!"

Katara sighs. "Aang, I know you're excited, but it's been a hundred years since you've been home."

"That's why I'm so excited!"

"It's just that... a lot can change in all that time," Katara continues cautiously.

I know exactly what she's talking about. As far as I knew, barely any survivors were able to leave the temples, and most were killed.

"I know, but I need to see it for myself," Aang retorts, before jumping over to Sokka and annoying him to wake up. "Wake up, Sokka! Air Temple, here we come!"

I turn towards Katara, and I know she is thinking the same thing as I am. Even though my mother an I are living proof that the Fire Nation couldn't get to every single Air Nomad out there, the chances of Aang's home remaining untouched are slim to none. I hope, for his sake, that his optimism is well placed, and that the Fire Nation couldn't get to the temple.

"Katara... What if he's wrong?"

"He seems so excited to get back home... I can't ruin that for him."

"But the Fire Nation..."

"Well, they couldn't get to you and I, could they?" Katara suggests with a sigh. "I mean... Before Aang, you were essentially the last airbender, and I am the last waterbender from the South. Maybe Aang's home survived, too, somehow."

"I guess you're right."


A few hours later, we're mounted on Appa (Aang's fuzzy flying bison) and soaring through what Sokka refers to as the Patola Mountain Range. All I can think about is the temple, and I wonder if it's still as amazing as Aang described it .

If am really being honest here, I may or may not be mostly glad that the weather is slightly warmer around here. I like chilly weather, but the South Pole is a little too cold for my personal taste.

"So, Alya," Aang begins cheerfully. "How did you end up in Zuko's ship?"

"It's kind of a stupid reason," I sigh heavily, recalling the events that led to my capture. "After the Fire Nation took my mother captive, I spent the past year hiding out in the Earth Kingdom. I got into some trouble with a pair of Fire Nation guards who were extorting a local saleswoman, and I may or may not have accidentally airbent my identity away."

"What did you do?" Katara raises an eyebrow, seemingly intrigued by my story.

I sigh and look away, slightly embarrassed. "I sneezed and blew them right through a wall."

Sokka starts laughing uncontrollably, which makes his sister glare at him and makes my cheeks burn. "Oh, come on, that's funny."

"Actually, it kind of is!" Aang agrees, but his tone isn't mocking, like Sokka's. He seems genuinely impressed. "Sneeze-bending actually helped us get out of the ship back in the South Pole."

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