(XXVI) Earth

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"The wind will carry you. It supports something inside you. Something even lighter than air. And that something takes over when you fly," Teo explains, as Katara fearfully stares at the vast nothingness before her, holding one of the gliders nevously.

"I've changed my mind. I think I was born without that something," Katara replies nervously.

I smirk. "Come on, Katara. Don't be such a scaredy cat."

"Are you really getting back at me from the one time I made you hear Aunt Wu's fortune?"

"It's not that bad. Not really," I say walking up to her. "Look, I'm terrified of heights myself, but when I'm flying, something takes over me..."

"Spirit," Aang says, making me glance at him briefly.


"Spirit. That's the something you're talking about."

"Yeah, I suppose it is," Teo agrees with a grin.

"Ready?" I ask.

"No!" she says, but I push her anyways, enjoying her terrified reaction. "Aaaaah!"

"Hold on, Katara!" I giggle, as I open up my glider and follow after her, with Aang and Teo close behind.

"I can't believe I'm flying!"

"Just make sure you keep your mouth closed so you don't swallow a bug!" Aang warns her, and I'd be lying if I said I never made that mistake before.

"Teo was right about the air. All I had to do was trust it, let it carry me," Katara says, seemingly enjoying herself now.

"Easier said than done, huh?" I giggle, twirling around and enjoying the ride.

"You have no idea!" Katara replies with a laugh.

"Even though Teo's not an airbender, he really does have the spirit of one!" Aang says, finally admitting it.

Shortly after, I help Katara land back on the temple safely, and the three of us walk towards Teo.

"I've been thinking. If you want to see what's in that room, I'd be happy to open the door for you," Aang tells him, taking us all by surprise.

"But Aang, I thought you said—"

"It's alright, Alya," Aang smiles at me reassuringly. "I want to do it."

"Great!" Teo replies cheerfully.


"Ready, Alya?" Aang asks, and I nod.

"I can't believe I'll finally get to see what's inside!" Teo says excitedly.

"I hope it's a treasure!" I say, earning a glare from Aang. I clear my throat, actively reminding myself of my airbender ways. "I mean... Hopefully it's something spiritually satisfying."

"Nice save," Katara giggles, and I decide to take this opportunity to throw a gust of wind on one of the doors openings, while Aang does it to the other.

The door slowly creaks open, and I hold my breath in anticipation for what may lie inside. Is it a treasure? Relics? More statues? The anticipation is killing me!

However, once the doors are open and we get a full view inside, that feeling is quickly shifted to utter dread and fear. Instead of a treasure or ancient relics, all I can see is the large Fire Nation insignia on the side of a balloon, which is itself surrounded in all sorts of elaborate weapons.

"Oh, no," I say, realizing, in horror, who must have created this.

"This is a nightmare," Aang agrees.

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