(XXII) Earth

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I don't know how, but the next thing I know, apparently we're going ice dodging Southern Water Tribe style. I don't exactly remember agreeing, but Sokka seems so happy about it, I don't really have the heart to complain.

"Ice dodging is a ceremonial test of wisdom, bravery, and trust," Bato explains. "In our village, ice dodging was done by weaving a boat through a field of icebergs."

"So how do you ice dodge without ice?" I ask, and to be fair, it seems like a reasonable issue.

"You'll be dodging those," Bato replies simply, pointing at several spiky boulders near the shore, big enough to create violent waves on the water. "Sokka, you steer and call the shots, lead wisely. Katara, you and Alya secure the main sail. The winds can be brutal, so be brave. Aang, you control the jib. Without your steady hand, we all go down. Your position is about trust."

"I know that. Why wouldn't I know that? I'm the Avatar; I know about trust," Aang says defensively, for no apparent reason.

"For this is to be done right, I cannot help. You pass or fail on your own," Bato says, leaving the boat in our mostly incapable hands.

I widen my eyes. "Wait, Bato, can't you make an exception for us? I mean... Two of us are not even from the Water Tribe."

He shakes his head. "No, this is about Sokka leading his team to victory."

"Don't worry, Alya, Sokka can manage," Katara reassures me, but it doesn't really have the desired effect.

"Good luck!" Bato yells, as the boat continues moving through the ocean.

"Aang, ease up on the jib. Katara, Alya, steady. Aang, less sail. Girls, give him room," as Sokka gives us his commands, we barely manage to dodge several boulders. "Aang, helm to lee. Helm to lee!"

"What does that even mean?" Aang complains.

I close my eyes, expecting us to hit a rock any moment now. However, we somehow manage to slip right in between the rocks, and we're alive.

"Great job!" Sokka congratulates us.

"WE'RE NOT DEAD!" I celebrate, too.

However, we're not done yet, as we head directly towards another bunch of boulders, these even bigger than the other ones. I widen my eyes, glancing nervously at the rest of the crew for a solution.

"There's no way through!" Katara cries.

"We can make it," Sokka assures us.

"Sokka, you've already proven yourself. Maybe we should-" Bato says concerned, but is cut off.

"Alya, I'm gonna need air in that sail," Sokka tells me, and I nod before he turns to the others. "Aang, Katara, I want you to bend as much water as you can between us and those rocks. Now!"

I quickly stand bellow the sail and send as many air blasts as I can at it. Aang and Katara work together to bend the water below the boat, somehow managing to get the boat to pass over the rocks. I have no idea how, but somehow, we make it out alive once again.

Sokka sighs with relief, and I hold the urge to vomit from all the commotion. I really hope I don't have to go ice dodging ever again.


"The spirits of water bear witness to these marks. For Sokka, the Mark of the Wise. The same mark your father earned. For Katara and Alya, the Mark of the Brave. Your courage inspires us."

As he draws a crescent moon on both of our foreheads, I raise an eyebrow. "But I was terrified the whole time."

Bato nods. "Yes, yet, you trusted Sokka's leadership enough to push right through the fear. That's commendably on its own, young lady."

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