(XVIII) Earth

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"This should bring your fever down," Katara says, pressing a wet towel over Sokka's feverish forehead.

"You know what I love about Appa the most? His sense of humor," Sokka replies, making even less sense than usual.

"Oh, no. The fever's only getting worse," I observe, sighing heavily.

"Being out in that storm really did a number on him," Katara agrees, but I also hear her sniffle.

"I couldn't find any ginger root for the tea. But I found a map. There's an herbalist institute on top of that mountain. We could probably find a cure for Sokka there," Aang says, walking toward us and pointing at a mountain in the distance.

"Aang, he's in no condition for travel. Sokka just needs more rest. I'm sure he'll be better by tomorrow," Katara replies, but then she herself starts coughing, and I can immediately tell that she's got the same thing Sokka has.

"Woah, you're burning up," I tell her, putting my hand on her burning forehead.

"Relax, it was just a little cough. I'm fi—" she starts coughing before she can finish.

"That's how Sokka started yesterday. Now look at him! He thinks he's an earthbender!" Aang says, and we briefly glance at Sokka, who is aimlessly punching the air above him.

"Take that, you rock!"

"He is getting progressively delirious," I note with a frown.

"A few more hours and you'll be talking nonsense, too. I'm going to go find some medicine!" he says, taking his glider for a moment, but immediately getting second thoughts after there's a violent flash of lightning. "Uh, maybe it's safer if I go on foot."

"I'm coming with you," I tell him, but he shakes his head.

"No. You stay here and keep an eye on them."

"But what if you run into trouble out there?" I ask worriedly. Aang smiles and shakes his head once again.

"I'll be fine. Besides, you have Appa and Momo to help you watch over them."

"But—" I don't get the chance to protest anymore, before he airbends himself out of the ruined temple we're hiding in and leaves without another word. I sigh heavily, glancing back at Momo playfully. "What do you say, Momo? We can totally take care of our friends, right?"

Appa grunts and Sokka starts laughing hysterically. "Ha, ha! You guys are killing me!"


"Water!" Sokka asks, and I hurry to fetch a water skin and give it to him. However, he shakes his head and frowns. "I'm cold!"

"But I thought you said you were thirsty!"

"Now I'm cold!"

I then fetch one of their Southern Water Tribe winter coats from our things, and wrap him up carefully. However, he immediately grunts another complaint that makes me groan with annoyance. "What is it now?!"

"I'm too hot!"

"You're even more annoying when you're sick," I retort, shaking my head.

"Alya..." Katara's voice is dry, and I hurry to tend to her, taking a break from following her brother's insistent demands.

"Can I get you anything?"

"Some water would be great."

I nod, but frown when I notice that the water skin is now completely empty. I sigh heavily. "I'm sorry, it's gone. I could get some..."

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