Seamus Finnigan x reader: (BOOM)

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We were sat in charms, Hermione Granger lecturing Ron Weasley on how to pronounce Wingardium-Leviosa. Waist of time if you ask me, because she has already made her feather fly.

"Wingsrdium-Leviosa!" I spoke, and my feather rose to the top of the room, and back down. "Well done! Miss (l/n)!" Professor Flittwick praised me.

Harry Potter was still trying to cast the spell to my left, and the Irish-boy Seamus was waving his wand around like a dog with a stick.

I tried to ignore him, and get on with my own work.


I glanced to my right, he had blown up his feather and had soot all over his face.

Then, a few kids looked at me dumbfounded, and speechless.

"What?" I questioned, nonchalant.

"AGUAMENTE!" The Professor panicked, I was now covered in water.

"Your hair was on fire Miss (l/n)!"
I glared daggers at Seamus, if looks could kill he would be six-feet-under right now.

"Mister Finnigan, please take her to Madame Pomfrey, see if she can get her hair fixed."

We trudged out of the classroom.

"How the hell do you blow up a feather!?"
I asked through gritted teeth.


"You will be."
He audibly gulped.

"Is that a threat?"

"Do you want it to be?!"
He shook his head and we continued walking.

My teeth started chattering, due to it being a cold Autumn-day in Scotland, and I was soaked.


He engulfed me in a side hug.

"You're warm."

"You're freezing."

We eventually got to the hospital wing, and the nurse interrogated us in what had happened. He explained it fully, and she looked as annoyed as I was.

She gave me a small vile with a burgundy bubbling substance, and ordered me to drink it.

I did so and my (h/l) (h/c) locks were back to their original state.

We left the wing, just in time for dinner.

"Sorry (y/n.)"
He spoke guiltily, staring at the floor.

"It's fine, next time it won't be just me in the hospital wing!" I chirped, both sarcastically and gleefully.

He chuckled at this.

We were about to enter the great-hall, when I leaned over and pecked his cheek.

"Thanks for looking after me!"
I beamed.


There were spells being shot everywhere. I entered the once brimming with life great-hall, which was now a morgue.

I peered around my best-friend Seamus Finnigan, it always makes me happy, the thought of the day were met, when he set my hair on fire.

I yelled, the same soot-covered boy ran to me, and held me close.

"I bought you were-"
He began.

"I'm fine, just a few bumps and bruises."
I forced a smile, who can be happy right now.

"I thought I had lost you..."
He chocked through sobs.

"I love you so much (y/n), I have since I met you in charms."

"It's good that the feelings are mutual then, huh?"
I chuckled slightly.

Our eyes met, and he leaned down. Even on this horrific, depressing day, there can still be some sort of fire-works.

Harry Potter characters x reader oneshots (COMPLETED) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now