Fred Weasley x reader: (a little surprise) [PART ONE]

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No Voldemort, Sirius never went to Azkaban and is alive, Teddy has a mum and dad, Lily and James are alive, and Harry had a normal childhood. Wormtail is probably married, and doesn't really talk to the rest of the Marauders anymore.
You are, or where, (Y/n) Potter, Harry's twin sister younger by forty-five minutes. You are now (Y/n) Weasley, courtesy of Fred marrying you.

I walked to the burrow, arm-in-arm with Fred.

"So who's here again?"
He asked me, creasing his brows.
I sighed, and giggled, beginning to lost of the names.

"George, Harry, Ginny, James Sirius, Ron, Hermione, Bill, Molly, Arthur, Percy, my mum, my dad, Fleur, Audrey, Charlie's home from Romania, Teddy, Remus, and Sirius."
I concluded, counting them.

"Charlie's home?"
I laughed.

"Yes, he is! You Dim-Witt!"
He chuckled, and put his hand on my waist, knocking on the door.

"(Y/n)! Fred! Come in! Come in!"
Molly beckoned us inwards.

Inside, Harry, Ginny, Hermione, Ron, Charlie, Bill, Fleur, George, Percy, Audrey, James Sirius, Remus, Sirius, Teddy and Arthur.

Ginny shouted, turning all of the attention towards us.

"I missed you so much! Are you alight?"
She asked me, hugging me tightly.

"Oh, yes my dear sister, hello to you too, it's not like I've known you since you were a baby and you are only excited to see my wife. Love you too."
Fred scoffed, motioning towards our embrace.

"Oh, bugged off I haven't seen my best friend in AGES!"
Ginny fought, crossing her arms.

"A week Ginerva. A week."

"All the same my dear brother. All the same."
She said, with an upturned nose.

Interrupting our small 'quarrel', what a knock at the door.

Me and Harry said at the same time, both running towards the door.

We say, hugging them.

They shouted, shocked for a minute at the sudden gain of attention.

"(Y/n)! Princess! How's Fred treating you?"
My dad asked, cupping my face in his hands like he used to do when we were little.

"Does nobody trust me?!"
Fred asked in the background.

"Well dad, I married it, so it must be going well!"
I laughed, which he joined in on.

My mum said, embracing me tightly in her arms, and peppering kisses all over my face.

"He-llo, m-um!"
I said, in between each peck.

We all walked into the living room with the rest of the family, and I ran up to Sirius and hugged him tightly, as he chuckled and returned it.

"Missed you too (Y/n/n)!"
Remus laughed, and I hugged him to, greeting Teddy also.

James Sirius attempted to say, but it just ended with a load of giggles as I picked him up.

I tickled his stomach, and he laughed incredulously.

I danced around with him, earning an excited squeal from the nine-month-old.

"Would you like some wine (Y/n)?"
Hermione asked, with a tempting bottle of bubbly in her hand.

"No, I'm alright thank you."
I said, turning back to the baby; not seeing the confused look on her face.

"Who's the cutest? Who's the cutest?"
He looked at me proudly, as if to say it was him.

"Is it you? Yes it is! Yes it is!"
I say with a baby voice, as he gurgled.
I rested him on my hip, and swung him gently back and forth.

A hand rested on my shoulder, and I turned to see Fred grinning warmly at me.

"You're great with kids honey-"
He said, stroking my cheek and pulling me in for a kiss.

"Can you stop snogging my sister for two seconds? Thanks."
Harry said, and I just scoffed - rolling my eyes.

"You're one to talk."
I mumbled.

I shouted, as the red-head came around the corner, and took Harry and James Sirius away.

The kind voice of my mother-in-law announced, motioning for us to come into the kitchen and eat.

I sat next to Ginny on my left, and Fred on my right; whom rested his hand nonchalantly on my thigh.

"Where's (Y/n)'s drink?"
My dad asked, turning everyone's attention towards me.

"We're drinking buddies!"
He carried on, motioning to the lemonade that filled my glass.

"I did offer her some!"
Hermione states, sipping from her wine-glass.

"I'm alright thank you-"
I said, taking a bite from my broccoli as if ten sets of eyes weren't baring down on me.

"No, come on I'll get you some sherry or something-"
My dad said, standing up to get a bottle, presumably from his bottomless bag that he keeps everything in.

"No, I can't."
I spoke up, placing my knife and fork down, and standing up.

"I was going to save this until later, but it seems like now if the best moment to say it..."
I took a deep breath, as everyone looked at me curiously.

"I'm pregnant."
I said, closing my eyes, waiting for a reaction.

Soon, a large cheer from the entire family erupted up the table.

I slowly looked at my husband, who had a glazed look in his eyes.

"I'm going to be a dad?"
He asked, sobbing. I nodded, and he kissed me lovingly, before hugging me tightly.

My dad walked over, and hugged me once more.

"Congratulations sweetheart!"
He said, kissing my forehead.
He then shook Fred's hand.

"So, you knocked up my daughter, huh?"
He asked, jokingly, but obviously Fred was still a little intimidated by him.

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