Dean Thomas x reader (cold.) [SMUT]

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Warnings: Smut / 🍋

I woke up at two in the morning, shivering. I look out on the grounds of Hogwarts, scanning tools white sheet that lays onto of the grasslands.

I had numerous blankets on, and I was laid - legs tucked into chest.

I shuddered, freezing.

My teeth were chattering together, and I was considering my options right now.

One: stay here and freeze.

Two: go down to the common room with a blanket.

Three: go and cuddle with my boyfriend.

I liked the last option the best, but I didn't want to bother Dean.

I made the drastic decision, to grab my thickest burgundy blanket, and go down to the common room. I inaudibly hissed when my feet touch the stone-cold floor.

I silently slipped on some woolly socks, and wrapped the blanket around my shoulders.

I tiptoed out of my dorm, and walked along the pitch-black corridor that lead to the stairs.

I walked into something - no - someone.

I gasped loudly, but then a hand was placed over my mouth.

"Shhhh love! It's only me!"
A familiar whisper shushed me.

I asked.

I was brought into a warm embrace.

"I was just coming to get you!"
He said, hugging me tightly, through my thick-layer.


"I know you, I knew you would be cold, so I came to get you. Do you want to cuddle?"
I nodded against his shoulder.

He held my hand, and pulled me along, past the stairs: into the boys dorms.

He sat in his bed, and pulled my hand, so that I fell on top of him.

I giggled under my breath, and he kissed my nose.

He flipped me over, so that he was spooning me. He wrapped his covers around the two of us, and folded his hands around my waist: resting his chin on my head.

His warmth made me sigh in relief.

"You're. So. Warm."

I turned over to face him, his grip tightened around my waist. I slid my arms around his torso, and savoured his heat.

He kissed my forehead, and I leant up to kiss him.

I wrapped my legs around his waist, and he ran shapes into my back.

"I love you (y/n)."
He whispered in my ear, nipping my ear with his teeth softly: making me shiver.

"I love you more Dean."
I smiled.

"You know... we could do something else..."
He said, sharply: cupping my butt.

"Dean... what are you talking about?..."

"You know..."
He kissed my face, and all down my neck: biting it at certain places, making me bite my lip so I don't moan.

"Not here. It's two in the morning, and your dorm-mates will wake up. They're trying to sleep! I'm not going to shag your here!"
I giggled.

"Come on love..."
Her trailed along my neck.

"Not. In. Here. Dean."
I giggled. He chuckled.

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