Oliver Wood x reader: (sassy.

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Reader is a Hufflepuff!

"Hey (L/n), looking good!"
Flint announced to the entire corridor, all of the nosy buggers turned to watch.

He then slapped my arse.

My nostrils flared, and I turned around, slowly; fuming.

What I didn't know, was that Oliver Wood was watching.

"Come here."
I motioned with my finger.

He smirked, and his friends wolf-whistled.

He was close enough to kiss.

I pulled my first head back, and head-butted him.
He feel to the floor, his nose bleeding.

"Fucking arse-hole. I can be the nicest person ever Flint, but don't get on my bad side." I warned. "That goes for all of you! Touch my arse one more tie, and you'll have more then a broken nose."

I turned around, and walked away.

"Shut your mouth Wood, you'll get flies in it if you're not careful."

He smiled.

"Oi you lot!" I snapped my fingers. "Show's over."

I sauntered off, annoyed.


That was two years ago, and now I'm being pinned to the wall by Oliver Wood.

"Bloody hell!"
A second year, Ron Weasley swore as he came around the corner.

"Who is that Wood?"
I appeared from behind him.

"Oh hello Hermione! How are you?"

"I'm alright thank you (Y/n)!"

"Okay, sorry to interrupt your mother's meeting, but why is Wood snogging (L/n)?"
Harry asked.

"Am I not allowed to snog my girlfriend?!"
His hand travelled its way to my arse, but I grabbed his wrist.

"Don't. You. Dare."

"You've got a good sense of surrounding (y/n)!"

"Thanks Ron, it's why I'm the Hufflepuff seeker!"
I smiled.

They walked off.

"Now, where were we?"
The Scottish boy cornered me again.

He pinned both of my wrists to the wall, and leaned down to kiss me.

Our lips danced simultaneously.

The Twins squealed.

"You're fifth years, grow a pair!"
I yelled, pulling Oliver's tie back down.

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