George Weasley x reader: (when did... that happen?)

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I'm not the 'thinnest' girl. By that, I mean, I'm not just bones. I don't have a thigh gap, nor a ridiculously flat stomach. My arms are not that skinny either. But I didn't care, I liked my body. Just the way it is. Due to this, over the summer break my chest had grown increasingly - as well as my butt. So, looking at myself in a bikini in Ginny's mirror, I realised that.

"Are you- woah."

"When did... that happen?"
she asked, nothing to my chest, I just laughed and shrugged.

"Come on, the boys have made a make-shift pool with magic in the back garden!"
She said, as I pulled an oversized T-shirt over my head, and made my way downstairs with her.

She dragged me out of the door, just when the boys had finished putting the pool together.

"Perfect timing!"
Fred announced, jumping in, splashing us all.

I just sat on the grass, while they splashed about in the water.

"Come on (Y/n/n)!"
Ron said.

"The waters lovely!"
George carried on, pulling my hand to trying drag me in.

"Okay! Okay! Let me take my top off!"
I said, pulling it over my head, and getting in.

I asked, looking at the three boys gaping at me.

"Oh bugger off you lot!"
Ginny said, shoving her brothers.

"When did you get boobs?"
Fred asked me.

"When did you become an arse?"
I asked.

He said.

George slid next to me, and put an arm around my shoulder.

"Can I help you?"

"Well, I think that bikini might look better some where else..."
He said, eyeing me.

"And where might that be?"

"My bedroom floor."
He whispered in my ear, and I snorted.

"Shove off!"
I pushed him, making him fall straight into the water.

He shouted, pulling me under with him.

I squealed, when my face hit the water.

"You cheeky bugger!"
I yelled, chasing him out of the pool.

I shouted, still running after him.

After running laps around the entire garden, I managed to knock him over, and pin him to the floor.

"Okay love, you win, but I think it should be this way though..."
He flipped me over so that he was on top of me.

He looked me up and down one again, and focused on my chest again.

"My eyes are up here!"
I said, snapping my fingers in front of his face.

"Okay, okay-"
He said.

"But just let me-"
He leaned down and kissed me lightly, before pulling away.

"You know what? I think your clothes would love meeting my floor."
He said, biting his lip.

"Sod off."
I laughed.

"How about... you, me, Hogsmeade? When we... get back to school?"

"It's a date."
I said, agreeing with him.

Ginny's voice interrupted us.

"I'd love to, hide in my room?"

"Shut up."
I mumbled.

I said, pushing him off of me, and pulling him back to the pool.

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