Oliver Wood x reader: (emotionLESS)

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Warnings: mentions of depression, self-harm, suicide.
Please don't read this if it makes you feel uncomfortable, and please contact someone if you need help. I am always here.

Oliver's Point Of View

I watched as she sat at the Hufflepuff table. Staring into nothingness. The excited spark that I always saw wasn't there anymore. It was if she wasn't here anymore. Her friends didn't even try talk to her. Her plait was still empty. She hasn't eaten for days.

(Y/n) (L/n).

The girl who I loved more than quidditch. (A bit much I know.)

She got up and walked out of the hall. She never showed emotion anymore. She was the happy, exciting Hufflepuff that everyone loved. Now she never raised her hand, quit quidditch, doesn't talk to anyone, she doesn't even read, she just stares into nothingness, and disappears for hours on end.

I decided to follow her, I needed her to be at my quidditch matches, to cheer for me, to hug me, to kiss my cheek, to-to love me.

She ran to Moaning Mrytle's bathroom. I tried to enter, but was stopped by the weeping ghost.

"(Y/n) doesn't want guests."

"Let me past Mrytle."
I commanded.

"Are you afraid of blood?"
She cocked her head.

Blood?! Afraid of blood?! Why does she need to know that?!

"Let. Me. In."

"I. Made. A. Promise."
She retaliated.

After a few minutes of back and forth, she emerged from the bathroom, with tear-stained cheeks.

She nodded at Mrytle, who game her a sad smile back.

She tried to go past me, but I stopped her.

"What's wrong? You haven't been happy for weeks!"
I stated the obvious. She just looked ahead.

"Why? You never smile anymore! You haven't eaten in days! You don't talk! You quit quidditch! What happened to the bubbly, chirpy Hufflepuff that I know? Where did she go (y/n)? Where is she?"
I asked softly.

Her sad, (e/c) eyes, which were overtaken with red, looked directly into mine. Before dodging me, and took off down the hallway - her eyes looking contently at her feet.

We had the same potions class, so I assumed that's were she was going.

I was correct.


"Miss (L/n)?! Are you paying attention?!"
Snape boomed at her, yet she wasn't fazed.

She just looked at him.

"Well? Are you going to answer me?!"
She just continued looking at him.

"Twenty points from Hufflepuff for your insufferable presence."
Still nothing. No emotion, no guilt eyes, no sadness, no anger - nothing.

I watched her write the contents of the potion in her book, and get yelled at again by Snape. What am I missing?!


I followed her, as she went up the Astronomy Tower, and just looked out onto the grounds.

She heard my voice, and turned to look at me, before attempting to pass me, to descend the stairs.

I grabbed ahold of her wrist.

She hissed in pain.

The first emotion.

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