Putting your skills to the test

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"Wouldn't a battle such as this be wise to show you what we can do?"

Thank you Zetsu, I think you're about to save my ass here. I know Hidan wasn't going to hurt me enough to cause severe damage but..

"...Very well, proceed"

Your thoughts get stopped as you hear their Leader. Zetsu turns to face you as smiles as he puts his hand out. You grab it, allowing him to merge with you. You jump up with newly developed enthusiastic energy and bounce back and forth between each foot with your fists out. "Bring it Hidan, Let's go"

Hidan smirks at you and gets into fighting position. "That's what I fucking like to hear!"

You run at him and throw a punch towards his chest, blocking it he turns his body to elbow you hard into the shoulder. You managed to deflect it, blocking with your forearms and kick him in the knee then uppercut him in the chin, hard. His body couldn't react fast enough, he was about to drop down to other knee and yet his body was pushed back with the second hit. Pulling his leg back, he points forward and grabs you around the waist, pushing his whole bodyweight forward and you fall backwards onto the ground. Zetsu blends you both beneath Hidan's body and into a tree.

Hidan looks around wearily for you whilst he pulls out a weapon you weren't aware of, heading back to his symbol on the ground. "I'm sorry, [Y/N]" He mumbles to himself as he raises his retractable spear and stabs it into his side being careful not to hit any vital organs on purpose. You let out a whince of pain which blows your cover. Hidan in an instant grabs his scythe and throws it at the tree you're positioned in. He misses, the scythe blades sunk into the trunk. You melted back into the ground and emerged behind him discreetly. As Hidan tugged on the rope that is attached to his scythe to pull it back, you and Zetsu both put your strength into a kick aimed at his back which push him towards his oncoming scythe and out of the circle, beheading him whilst saving your own.

"Holy crap Zetsu I didn't think that was going to work!" You say in surprise as you pant heavily, trying to slow your heart rate down.

"Hm, with us synchronising together and Hidan's stupidity. We makes a remarkable team. Any second later and that would have been your head on the ground"

"Enough" Pain calls.

You all turn your heads to Leader. Awaiting for him to say its over. He looked at you with his piercing eyes. They gave you the creeps. That violet purple colour pierced right through you. You knew this guy was powerful but that stare made you choke on your own breath. Zetsu dissipated from you and dragged Hidan's body and head towards Kakuzu to repair the damage. You stood there, putting your weight onto the sword that's stabbed into the ground holding you up and gave yourself a minute to rest.

He's not finished with me yet, I can tell..

You see Pain standing before you, you shakily bring yourself to stand up properly in front of him. "They appear to be telling the truth about you. You're quick and work well with Zetsu, that's for sure"

Your lip curls to a smirk of pride as you let out the breathe you didn't realise you were holding in.


You look up at Pain. He pulls out a black metal rod from his sleeve. You had no idea what this was but the looks on everyone's face tells you it isn't good. You step back. "..Hidan clearly didn't go all out on you, but I will" You jump back at his words to create distance between you too.

"Leader thats insane! She doesn't have any ninjutsu to compete against you! Hm" Deidara called out.

Now you're unaware if it was because Deidara spoke out or not but Pain's rod was thrown, not at you though. It went straight into Deidara's chest. The Akatsuki stepped back in shock as they watched their comrade fall to his knees in pain, blood dripping down his body and out his mouths before he fell face down on the ground.

Pain looks at you with his cold stare, watching your eyes shake in horror, your hands molded into fists; trembling. "Dei...?" you practically whisper.

"Are you serious?!" The members look at you in shock, speaking back to their Leader. They freeze as they hear a grunt from Pain's mouth and a small smirk appearing on his face. Another rod appears in his grasp and points it at you. You hold your ground and snarl at the man awaiting.

"Fucking do your worst" you spat.

"Very well"

Pain lifts his arm up, readying the rod. Your eyes follow it's direction and your instincts reacted before logic. You tried to outrun it, seeing it heading for one of the others. There's no way you could have caught it in time. If the Akatsuki members in front had no chance of dodging its oncoming speed, how the hell were you going to prevent it. "NO!!!" you scream out as you see Kisame spit blood before slumping to his knees.

Your frozen in stance, just like everyone else.

All eyes were on you at this point. The flames in your eyes ignited and you turned to Pain which such a chaotic expression, "You're dead".

A Taster of Modern Living -  AkatsukixreaderWhere stories live. Discover now