Chapter 3

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*Kate's P.O.V.

The next morning I woke up and checked the time: 5:57 am, I also checked if everything was a dream.
BOOK, check.
Nope it was not a dream.
I quickly jumped out of bed and rushed to the bathroom and took a bath...
After that, I changed into my casual school clothes and went to the dining room to eat breakfast. After a few minutes I went back to my room and grabbed my purse, which eventually has my whole life in it, so I grabbed it and rushed to the living room.
On my way to the living room I heard a soft...


in my room, and I just thought it was my makeup bag, so I didn't mind it anymore.
I grabbed my phone from my purse and texted Shirley.
So I waited for her outside.

*Shirley's P.O.V.

So I quickly ate my breakfast and asked my dad if he could drive Kate and I to school. After he said yes, we hopped into the car and first drove to Kate's house.

*Kate's P.O.V.

When I saw their car coming, I waved at them, so they could see me. "Hop on," said Shirley. I jumped into the car and Shirley's dad drove us to Waynesbridge College.


When we got to Waynesbridge College, Shirley and I said bye to her dad and went to our rightful dorm rooms and placed our luggages in the room and went to our classrooms. When we got to our classroom, i checked the time on the clock: 6:56 am, I'm not late, that's good enough. After a few minutes the teacher came in and introduced himself to the class. "Good morning, class, I am Mr. Patterson," he said. This teacher was a guy who looks kinda like he was not immediately liked because of his weird looks, but if you get to know him a little more, you will know that he's kinda funny and able to be liked.


After the day passed we went into our dorm room and unpacked our luggages. After a few minutes, Shirley and I finished unpacking. Shirley went to the bathroom and took a bath, while I got my purse and...
Oh, no! The book, it's,gone. I must have dropped it at home... I hope Mom doesn't check my room and find it.

*Kathy's P.O.V.

Now it is my time to make Kate's room shine. I went to Kate's room to clean it up. When I entered her room I found a book on the floor. "Let's see... oh look, there's a book. "CALDRON". Oh no, I hope she didn't read it." I exclaimed. I'll just call her to make sure, I thought.

*Kate's P.O.V.

Ring. Ring.
My phone rang. Oh no! It's Mom. I just answered it anyway.


"Hello, sweetie," said Mom. "Hi, Mom," I replied. "Did you read a book that says 'CALDRON' on it?" she asked. "Fine," I sighed. "Yes ,Mom,I did read it. Why are you asking?" I added. "You re in danger honey, there's a prophecy about this book and your dad, more like a family legend actually," she exclaimed. "What does it say?" I asked in a worried voice. "It says that whoever reads this book, he or she will relive the slaying of the dragon of Crelton Mountain," she said. "When will this happen?" I asked. "You need to slay the dragon 2 weeks after you read it," she said. "How will I be trained to kill the dragon, er, slay it?" I asked. "The Crelton Training Academy will be picking you up within 3 days to train you,"she said firmly. "But how will you excuse me from school?" I questioned. "Don't worry honey, I got it," she said. "Okay, bye Mom, it's a little past my curfew," I said. "Okay honey, bye," she said.


After Mom called, I plugged my phone to the charger because it was 18% already. A few seconds later, Shirley came out of the bathroom. "Hey, what was going on in here?" she asked. "Nothing, I was just... talking to my mom is all," I said. "Oh, okay," she said.
We both went to sleep at exactly 9:00 pm.

(Hey, guys! I hope you liked it. Was this long enough for you? I'm sure it was. I'll make every chapter more exciting than the other. So please comment, vote, and follow me, please. Thnx. :). Bye.)

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