Chapter 8

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*Kate's P.O.V.

The weapon I picked were these cool-looking gloves that have some kinds of tiny gemstone studs on it. The studs had different colors. Good enough.
The weapon that Shirley picked was a crossbow with a fire crystal on it. Cool.
The weapon Christie picked was a ribbon, but this wasn't any ordinary ribbon you tie knots with. When you like, slap the ribbon on something metal, something will happen to the ribbon. Pretty cool.
The weapon Dave picked was a super awesome, lightning-shaped bow. AWESOME.
"Okay, trainees. Now, Kate, you chose the multi-element shooting glove. It can shoot out ice, fire, water, snow, and it can also bring out a diamond spear. If you press the red stud, fire will come out. If dark blue, water. If light blue, ice. If crystal white, snow. If yellow, lightning bolt. If lavender, diamond spear.
Shirley, you chose the fire crossbow. Now when you put the arrow in it, it will immediately catch fire.
Christie, you chose the dagger ribbon. If you hit it, or slap it on something metal, the ribbon will turn into a shiny, silver dagger. When you throw it, and hit the center of your target, the dagger will come back to your hand.
Dave, you chose the lightning bow. If you shoot someone, he or she or it will get paralyzed and get at least some damage to the body.
Okay, I'm done introducing you to your permanent weapons. Now it's training time. Step in front of your target, about 1 1/2 meters away. Now try to shoot the middle target until you reach your farthest distance. Kate, you can shoot it by thinking of positive thoughts,"Brent said.
I stood where I was supposed to stand, and started to think positive thoughts.

Ally slipped on an ice cube in the canteen in school, I thought.

"He-he," I giggled and pressed the yellow stud. Then, a tiny bolt of lightning shot out of my hand. I think it electrocuted the target, or something like that. I looked at it and I saw the bolt hit the center of the target.
I looked toward Shirley, and her flaming arrows were not hitting the center of the target.
I looked at Christie, and saw her throwing her ribbon dagger, then when it hit the center, I saw it flying back to her. LIKE MAGIC.
Dave was shooting his arrows like crazy. He already reached the farthest distance. WOW!
After three hours of training. "Okay, you guys, training's done," Lucinda said.

"Uhhh, I'm exhausted," Shirley said before grabbing her glass of water on the table, and drinking it.
"Me, too," I said while setting my gloves on the table.
"You can have the weapons you chose, because our weapons are remade and placed back to the shelf," Lucinda said. "Thanks," we said altogether.
We went straight to their room and introduced our stuff to each other.

We went out of their room, when it was time for dinner.
After we ate, we went back to our own rooms, and got ready to go to sleep, and slept.

The next morning, we got ready, ate breakfast, had training three hours after lunch, and ate dinner, and went to sleep.

We kept on repeating the same routine for one week, and after one week, Lucinda changed what we had to do for training.

One week later...

"Okay, this time you guys need to pick a partner to train with. What you are going to do, first I put an apple on your partners' head, and the other person will aim at the apple on your head, and try to hit it," Lucinda explained.
I picked Shirley as my partner.
We played rock, paper, scissors to choose who would go first. The one who loses goes first.
I did rock, and she did scissors. I go first.

I will survive after the slaying of the dragon, I thought in a positive way.

I pressed the light blue stud, and a ball of ice shot out of my palm and hit the apple.
We exchanged places, and Shirley got her crossbow. It didn't hit me nor the apple, but instead, it hit the bulletin board at my back. She tried again, and it hit the apple.

*Dave's P.O.V.

They make it look so easy to hit the apple, but it's not.
I tried to hit it, like, a dozen times, but I can't concentrate because of that dream I had last night. I hope someone could remove it out of my head.
It's so annoying. It's just, stuck in my head.
The dream was about me being in the library, and finding this, really huge mirror. I tried to touch it, but my hand just went through the glass. I put my head through, and saw a vision of me an Christie fighting the dragon.
I can't get it out of my head.
I tried to concentrate only on the apple, and shot it as I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.
I opened my eyes, and saw that I sliced the apple with my arrow, in half. COOL! I guess I just needed concentration and focus.

*Shirley's P.O.V.

I would've gotten froze if Kate missed the apple and aimed for my head.
It was my turn to shoot the apple with my crossbow. I shot the arrow and I saw it hit the bulletin board behind Kate. OH MY GOSH! I nearly hit her neck. "Sorry," I said. "It's okay, I got to dodge it," Kate said. "Oh, are you okay there?" I asked. "He-he I'm fine," Kate replied.

(Hey, guys! Sorry for the late update. Pls. Vote, Comment,and Follow me.)

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