Chapter Twenty One

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I sneaked off like a thief in the night. It was about ten in the evening and no visitors were allowed. Especially those who couldn't identify themselves as Caroline's kin. Well, what could I say the princess is a royal blood. I smirked.

It's a good a thing I bought some cash with me. Money talks.

I slowly opened the hospital suite where she was confined. It was dark. I fumbled for the light.

"Who are.. you?" The voice croaked. I heard the note of panic in the dark. Woaah. Caroline, afraid? That's news. I turned on the light.

She closed her eyes for a few seconds. "Nurse?" She whispered.

I blinked my eyes twice. I hoped the sight wasn't fooling me. Caroline never looked so vulnerable in her whole damn life. She had this dextrose in her arms. She was wearing a hospital gown which made her look like a child than an eighteen year old woman.

Her face was... haggard. So unlike her. There were shadows underneath her eyes.

"What are you doing here? Come say congratulations?" She suddenly stiffened. Well, the same old Caroline. The Goddess that men had worshiped.

I managed to come near her slowly. "How was the baby?" I said softly. She turned to look away. She was staring yet... unseeing the room. Were those tears?

She laughed humorlessly. "Gone. Do you think... I deserved this Marie Claire?"

"Where's Marcus?" Should I ask that stupid question out of the decency for conversation? Hell, I already knew that he had run away the day it was announced Caroline had a miscarriage. Everything was kept silent. But society is society. They'll talk behind their backs.

"Marie Claire, don't feign innocence you're not that dumb. You know what's exactly happening. You're so gullible. Do you think I need you're pity? No.. give it to yourself." She said saucily. I was taken aback. It was defense mechanism, this bravery and b*tchy facade.

"Well, yes. I pity you Caroline. Look at yourself, I thought I was sorry somebody had pulled that stunt on you. I knew why, not even the devil himself could change what you are."

"Yes. Marie Claire, you should thank me for it. Not just me, but your slut of a sister, too. We've been a great mentor, haven't we?"

Maybe she's right. While looking at her now, I could see myself. They molded me to who they are. I wanted to cry. They just made me follow their footsteps. How idiot of me.. ruining my life just for the sake of a futile revenge. Playing their f*cking game.

Now, I couldn't get out of the maze I'd put myself into.

"Caroline..." I bit my lower lip. We were victims of our own selfishness. Our own idiocy. "I just wanted to know why you did that... I mean everything..." I whispered.

"Just because." That was it. I nodded.

"Who pushed you that night Caroline?"

She gazed at me. I thought she wouldn't say a thing anymore. "You don't wanna know."

I felt a kick to my stomach. Her voice was emotionless. It was cold but it cut right through me. What does she know?

"Go away." She turned her back on me. And brought herself into a fetal position.

"Caroline... last question." She was dismissing me. But I couldn't just let this go.

"Who's the guy I've been with a year ago?"

She hummed. A lullaby, I couldn't even make out the words. It's hopeless. I was walking silently. Again, she'd defeated me. Crushed me. Even in her state.

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