Chapter Two

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I sat on the couch in a private room. This is where I wait for visitors to come. I wish I could get more than just three minutes with my family. The first one to come in is Gale. I'm so happy to see him

"Gale!" I exclaim. I was going to say something else but he comes up and envelops me in a hug. I loose my train of thought.

"Look, we don't have much time so I'll make this quick," he says, "Pay attention in training. Learn to climb trees, make traps, you can hold off on the weapons but try to have some skill with a knife. Learn some stuff in combat too, it could help you. Be agile, and do you remember stuff from your father's plant book?" I nod. "Good that can help you."

He tries to continue but I interrupt him, "I'm going to miss you."

"Tell you what, I think everyone is going to miss you Prim. But hey, don't give up. Try to win, you might surprise yourself. Be the first 12-year-old victor." He replies.

A peacekeeper bursts through the door. "Your time is up," he shouts. And he drags Gale out the door.

Gale and I both shout goodbye at each other and the door slams shut. I wait in the room for who knows how long. I almost think my family isn't going to come. As if right on cue my mother and my sister come running through the door.

My sister charges at me and wraps me up in an embrace. As soon as she let's go my mother follows. "Oh Prim," says my mother and she mutters that over and over again.

"Prim," Katniss says, "I tought you how to hunt once, remember?" I nod. Of course I remember. We shot a rabbit and I wanted to revive it. "Please try to remember the things I tought you in that short time." I nod again.

"Katniss, Do you think the districts can sponsor?" I ask.

"I don't think so Prim, but if we could, I would bet everything on you." she replies.

I was hoping the districts could sponsor because I'm scared the Capitol won't take as big of a liking in me as I hope.

My mother turns to me. I open my mouth to say something but she puts a finger to my lips. "I promise," she says, "I'll stay strong and get out of whatever this depression is."

I hug her once more. "Thank you," I whisper, "I want to ensure your safety."

"I have Katniss, I will be fine." she says. I hope she is right. I hope she will be okay. Now I wish I could say goodbye to my cat and my goat.

"This isn't fair," Katniss says, "It should be me, not you. I was stupid I should have volunteered, it's my fault."

"Katniss stop," I say, "I don't blame you, I'd prefer me to die over you."

"You might not die, I hope you don't die," she says. She takes out something from her pocket. "Remember the mayor's daughter Madge? She remembers you. She wanted me to give this to you, as your token."

She hands me a gold pin with a mockingjay on it. It has an arrow in its mouth. "To protect you," she says.

"Thank you," I tell her. Then I turn to both of them. the peacekeepers come into the room to take them away so I say, "I love you both."

"Bye," Katniss shouts and the door closes once more. Now I am left in the dark with nothing but my thoughts and this pin, which is my token for the games.

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