Chapter Eleven

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I don't go straight for the cornucopia, instead I grab one of the little bags around the edge. There is a boy from district 9 also trying to grab my pack. All of the sudden he falls down dead. I look back at who threw the knife. Clove.

She throws one at me too and I duck it hits a nearby tree. She gives up and runs for the boy from district 6. I retrieve the knife from the tree, and I ten into the woods.

I just keep running until I find a log hidden by some branches. I think it's safe to stay here for a little while, at least so I can see what is in my pack. So I arrange the branches to cover most of me and I sit on the log.

Just before I open my pack I hear a loud sound. I recognize it. It's a cannon, marking a tribute's death. It must be going off because of the ones who died in the bloodbath. As they go I count. 12, I count 12. That means 12 down 12 to go.

What if Peeta is already dead? What if Rue is too? I kind of don't want Rue today. I feel like we have a connection of some sort. Maybe it's because we are the same age. I know though that she isn't going to make it, just like me.

I open my pack to see what's inside. A water bottle, a sleeping bag, a rope, sunglasses, some fruits, gauze, and some dry food. I open the water bottle to find it's empty. I need to find water myself.

I walk around until I find a tree that looks good to sleep in. I climb up and get into my sleeping bag. I wedge myself inbetween two close branches, I I tie myself to the trunk with my rope.

I sit there for who knows how long. Then the Capitol anthem plays and the Panem flag is shown in the sky. They show today's fallen tributes. All of them are from the bloodbath.

Each fallen tribute's face is shown in the sky. The girl from 3, the boy from 4, the boy from 5, both from 6, both from 7, the boy from 8, both from 9, and both from 10.

Peeta is still alive. I sigh with relief. Rue, she made it too. But all the careers are still alive as well. No surprise there.

The sky turns dark after the fallen tributes' faces disappear from the man-made sky. This means I have now officially survived my first day in the Hunger Games.

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