Chapter Seven

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We only have half a day of training today. Which is spent doing individual tests, where the game makers score us, then we prepare for tonight's interviews.

For my evaluation, I've decided on practicing traps. It's what I'm best at, and I can't risk anything when it comes to sponsors.

I wait anxiously for my name to be called. I'm dead last, so I have to wait for everyone else. When they call Peeta's name he turns to look at me and we exchange good lucks.

It takes about ten minutes until I hear the harsh voice call, "Primrose Everdeen." It echoes all over the room. I walk to the metal door that stands between me and the gamemakers. I take a deep breath, and enter.

Sponsors, sponsors, you need sponsors I tell myself as I walk to the center of the room. The gamemakers are tired (and most likely drunk) from sitting there watching 23 other tributes showing off their skills. I need to find a way to get their attention.

"Primrose Everdeen," I shout, "District 12." They all turn to me. I now have ten minutes to preform my task.

Instead of going for animal traps, I try to trap a human dummy. I tie knots, cut wood, and do everything I learned in training. Finally I pull the last rope to reveal I had successfully hung a dummy.

I hope that I kept their attention that whole time. Just before exiting the room I turn back and yell, "Oh, and don't forget me when you sober up!"

"So what did you two do for your evaluation?" Effie asks. We are all sitting on the couch eating lunch. All of us are anxious to see the scores.

"I did some weight lifting," Peeta said. I hope he did well. I kinda like him. He is from home. After he answers everyone turns to me.

"Traps," I say. Everyone nods, but nobody looks impressed. It's not a weapon but it could be useful in the arena.

Then the Capitol anthem plays. Everyone turns to the TV. Caesar Flickerman appears to announce our scores.

The careers all get an above average score that is supposed to be average for them. It's always the careers that get a range from 8-10. There is always two or three other tributes that get a score like that as well.

Most of the other tributes get a range of 4-7. There is another 12-year-old this year. The female from district 11, her name is Rue. She scores a 7. Her district partner, Thresh, gets a 9. He is huge. He will defiantly last a long time in the games.

Then it's Peeta's turn. He receives an 8. Everyone seems pleased. "Peeta!" Portia says.

"That's good," says Effie, "we can work with that. Then it's my turn. I don't think I'll get as high of a score.

"Primrose Everdeen," says Caesar, "With a score of..." He smirks, is that good or bad? "Also an 8." The 8 appears on my face.

Everyone reacts to this better than They did with Peeta. I guess it's because I'm younger.

"That was smart," Effie says.

"What was?" I ask.

"You did a very simple technique, but you did well so you got a pretty good score. You too, Peeta," she says. I guess she's right.

For the next 6 hours I am either training with Effie or Haymitch. Effie teaches me how to walk in high heels and a dress. Haymitch teaches me how to talk to the audience and what my approach should be. All in due time, I'm getting ready for my interview.

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