William and Willow Herondale

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"Clary I swear I will bind you to your bed if you don't sit the hell down!" Jonathan yelled at her the moment she stepped into the kitchen. She looked like she'd swallowed two watermelons and Maryse had placed her on bed rest but she was up and walking around again. "I'm tired of sitting" Clary whined at her brother. "What are you doing out of bed?" A newly married Isabelle asked walking in with a now four month old Jocelyn. "Standing" Clary answered defiantly. "Clarissa Adele" Jonathan said sweetly knowing that calling her Clarissa would irritate her. When she turned to snap his eyes were shining "get in that chair and don't move until Jace comes back with your ice cream" he smiled. Clary unwillingly sat down sticking her bottom lip out like a child. About ten minutes later Jace came flying into the kitchen after finding the room empty, Clary blushed knowing she'd been caught. "I'm going to ask Jonathan to bind you to the bed" he breathed. Everyone burst into laughter, Clary included until her laugh turned into screams. "Clary breathe okay.... just breathe you're doing great" Jace repeated over and over again. Isabelle charged into the infirmary with a fearful look "Mom is stuck in a Clave meeting she's not coming" she yelled adding to the stress in the room. "Magnus!" Clary screamed as another contraction tore through her, the warlock appeared in less than a minute. "I can't give you anything biscuit" he said sympathetically. "Maryse isn't coming we need your help" Jace said panicked. "Get it out!" Clary screamed and Jace felt helpless watching her writhe in agony. Magnus rushed into action and enlisted Isabelle as his aid when Cassidy burst into the room "Daddy the babies aren't happy, I don't feel them anymore" she cried. Alec rushed in a dragged the screaming girl out of the room. "He has to get out he's dying!" she screamed from the hall. Clary howled again and began losing a lot of blood, Magnus grabbed a long dagger from Jace's belt and instructed Isabelle and Jace to hold her down. "I'm so sorry Clary" he said shedding his own tear before slicing her open. Jonathan and Simon were pacing the floor listening to the screams from the infirmary, Jonathan rocked a crying Jocelyn in his arms not sure which of them he was actually trying to calm down. A minute later clary's screaming stopped and so did Jocelyn's crying; Simon and Jonathan stopped and stared at each other wanting to run to the infirmary but knowing they shouldn't so they waited.

~Moments Earlier~

Clary struggled against Jace and Isabelle's hold as Magnus opened her up, her vision blurred; she could hear Jace calling out to her, Isabelle's soft sobs and her own screaming. "Daddy stop I have to save them" Cassidy cried as Alec carried her away. "Daddy please they'll die" she sobbed. Alec set the little girl on her feet and she sprinted back to the infirmary and sat in the corner to remain unnoticed. Cassidy closed her eyes and began to chant praying for Clary's pain to end and willing the babies to live. Magnus lifted a both a boy and girl from Clary's womb and Jace and Isabelle raced to itraze her and give her blood replacement runes. After a moment both children finally took their first breath and cries filled the room. William Tate Herondale had blonde hair and green eyes while Willow Rae Herondale had Clary's trademark firey red hair and green eyes.

***photo of willow***

~Present Time~

"Cassidy!" Magnus yelled scooping her limp body into his massive arms and Alec burst through the door soon after. "I did it daddies, I helped them" she said before passing out. Cassidy had proven herself to be quite a powerhouse, After Magnus looked her over he said she wore herself out. It still was unclear what she had done but whatever it was both and Clary and Jace were thankful. Clary and Jace married after the twins birth and once things seemingly settled down and the kids had grown Maryse retired to Idris leaving the institute to Isabelle and Jonathan; making the New York Institute famous as the institute run by the Morgensterns. Willow seemed to take to Jace and William with Clary, they along with Jocelyn and Cassidy were a tight knit group; they way Izzy, Alec, Jace, and Clary had been. Jocelyn, Cassidy and Willow had taken on Isabelle's fashion sense but Willow like her father liked to fight. By the time she was eleven she had beaten Simon in a sparing match, at fourteen she could beat both Alec and Isabelle and now at sixteen she tried her luck with her parents. Cassidy was quiet and spent most of her down time reading or watching William draw, they they had been together for almost two years. She was just as powerful as Magnus but she still trained with the others in hand to hand. William was more like Clary, he liked art and reading; he drew his first portal at ten and always thought up new things to aid them in battle. He was fast and his slim physique made him very flexible. He wasn't fond of hand to hand, he like throwing knives and his bow and arrow so he mostly trained with Alec. Jocelyn favored whips like her mother but also possessed the gift of control like her father but much more powerful. What she could do was closer to telekinesis. She was also quite good in a fight, she still couldn't beat Willow but it was always close. Isabelle and Jonathan had another child a boy they named Max Christopher Morgenstern, he was 10 and wanted to be just like his father. "Dad please spar with me" Rae whined at Jace but he only smiled. "When you can beat your mother then we'll see" he smirked watching Will and Alec. "Uncle Jon" Rae whined pouting. Jonathan had been on the balance beams flipping back and forth but he couldn't say no when his niece made that face. "I won't take it easy on you Rae" he grinned at her strolling over to the mat. The only people who spared with Jonathan was Jace, Izzy and Clary so when Rae asked everyone cleared the mat. "Don't hurt my daughter" Jace warned. "I wouldn't dare hurt my niece" he rolled his eyes and stood in front of her. They circled each other for a while then Rae took off faster than anyone expected and kicked Jonathan in the chest sending him flying across the mat. He jumped up catching her foot as she brought it down toward his face and flipped her on her back never letting her foot go. Rae put her other foot on his chest and kicked off rolling over into a crouch swiping his feet from under him. They went back and forth for almost ten minutes before she was pinned down and Jonathan smiled victoriously. "Not bad Rae" he said helping her up and cheers filled the room. Jace looked on in awe at his daughter before hugging her tightly, Clary and William joined in. Life had been good to them, but a change was coming; one they weren't prepared for.


Also check out my other story Illicit Affection Please

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