Seven Days

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"No guards today?" Emily joked when she pushed Luca's door open. Even in his depressed state she thought he was sexy and wanted to rip his clothes off. She was thankful that Willow was gone and hoped that now he would realize that they should be together. "Luca you shouldn't be doing this to yourself; you have to accept the fact that she's gone and not coming back" Emily said after entering his room sitting next to him. "Get the hell out of here Emily" he spat turning to see that her hair was now red but not Willow's red. She threw herself onto him then pressed her lips to his. He threw her off and turned to leave "she's gone now probably for good but you have me" Emily pleaded. Luca lost it shoving her back into the side table knocking over the lamp. Emma burst into the room and screamed at the sight of her daughter pinned to the wall feet dangling and Luca's hands on her throat. Jace, Jonathan, Clary and Simon burst into the room and immediately went to pull Luca off. "Don't you ever say that again you slut! Willow is mine and she IS coming back! How dare you say she isn't coming back" he screamed crying into Clary's shoulder who'd went pale rubbing Luca's back and shedding her own tears. "You said what!" Jace screamed with flames covering his hands. Jonathan grabbed Jace to restrain him even though he wanted to choke the little girl himself. "She just said what you know you're all thinking" Emma spat. "It's been a week, the warlock can't find her and she hasn't contacted her parabatai. Maybe she's happy where she is and may never come back!" Emma ranted. Simon grabbed Clary but no one saw Isabelle who had been standing in the doorway, she flew across the room and punched Emma in the face and continued until Jonathan lifted her off and carried her out of the room. "How dare you talk about my niece that way you bitch!" she screamed down the hallway. "She's coming back right Clary, she has to come back; she can't leave me" Luca sobbed. "Get out" Simon seethed staring at a bloody Emma and a wheezing Emily. "I am your wife Simon how could you choose them over us?"

"Right now you and your daughter are nothing more than a pain in everyone's ass! This is my family too and I've been through a hell of a lot more with them than with you two and if you have a problem with that get the hell out of here and don't come back until you've figured out what the fuck you wanna do about it!" he screamed then stormed out of the room leaving them all speechless; no one knew he was capable of using such language . "Leave now" Jace growled and escorted them both out leaving Clary and a still sobbing Luca.

"Jocelyn!" -R

"Rae! I've been trying to find you what's going on!" -J

"I want my mom" -R

"Why are you crying Rae talk to me" J

"I want my mom" -R

She was gone again. Jocelyn ran from her room and found Clary sitting with Luca's head in her lap like she used to do with Will. "We have to do something!" She screamed running into the room, everyone piled in after her. "She popped into my head screaming my name and crying"

"What did she say Jay, what did he do to her" Jace snapped the pain made clear in his voice. "She just kept crying and saying she wanted her mom" Jocelyn hung her head. Clary's heart shattered her daughter needed her and she couldn't help her. Will ran into the room with Cassidy and Magnus with a huge smile, the three had been held up in a room for days. "We did it mom, we figured out how to get Rae back!" he screamed. "When do we leave" Clary and Jace said together and of course Isabelle and Jonathan joined in but he shook his head "Not us... Jocelyn" he said grinning at her. The rune they used to communicate linked their minds so once they made contact Magnus and Cassidy would create a bridge between them that would let Jocelyn cross over to where ever Rae was and pull her through. "You'll both have to be very strong for this, this type of portaling will take a great deal of focusing on both your parts and if one of you slip whoever has the strongest bond will pull the other through" Magnus explained. They went into the living room, Fin stayed with Luca and everyone else stood in a corner silently. "I can still feel her in my head but it's really faint" Jocelyn said gritting her teeth. "Clear your thoughts, see her in your head like she's standing right in front of you" Will coached. "Willow" she said out loud and was elated when she replied.

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