Lilith's Return

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"He isn't dead yet" Jem said looking Luca over. Magnus had called him and Tessa when he'd realized that Luca had a very faint pulse. "His mind is intact but his soul is trapped. He was equally angel and demon so his soul could go to neither heaven nor hell" Jem commented. "We could summon his soul and rebind it to his body" Tessa said staring at Magnus who appeared to be in deep thought. "That would take an incredible amount of magic and energy Tessa are you sure you're up for it?" Magnus grinned wickedly. "I haven't been challenged in quite some time" she smiled back. Cassidy opened the portal to Idris leaving Magnus behind to help Tessa and Jem. "Protect our baby Alec" Magnus said watching everyone go through. "You know I will, with my own life" Alec said kissing him softly. Magnus migrated to Cassidy and kissed her forehead. "Be careful princess"

"Of course daddy" she said kissing his cheek and jumping through. Everyone was relieved that Luca would be okay but were still saddened that Willow was alone and grieving his death. Upon arrival Jonathan and Jace went to The Clave to tell them of Sebastian's death, Luca's return and Willow's disappearance; though they were glad that Sebastian had fallen they expressed no interest in finding Willow. Cassidy tried tracking her but she had fallen off the face of the earth. Ava, Camille, Liam, Adam and Eric came to visit them and to offer their condolences but they were elated with the news of Luca's return. Fin had practically come back to life, he didn't sulk in his room, he talked, smiled and ate; three things he'd lacked after his brothers disappearance. They all decided to train together even though Fin, Jocelyn, Liam, Adam and Eric were they only ones preparing for the upcoming battle. Fin had gotten much better in his brothers absence and so had Emily, she could now beat Max and her mother and was really close to beating Simon. Clary and Isabelle trained together, so did Jace and Jonathan, and Alec and William.The Clave had them on the front lines and they did not intend on losing anyone else. On the day of the battle Clary and William spent majority of the day marking their family and friends, by the time they were done their steeles were burned out and hardly any bare skin was present on their arms. After pairing up and hugging Max and Emily they set out to the site where the battle would take place.


*Alec and William (taking high ground with bow and arrows)

*Clary and Jace

*Isabelle and Jonathan

*Simon and Emma

*Jocelyn and Cassidy

*Fin and Liam

~Soul Binding~

"I never thought I'd see the great Magnus Bane married with a child" Tessa commented after the interaction between he, Alec and Cassidy. "I never thought I'd see it" Magnus said. "It is wonderful knowing that the Herondale line will continue; and William and Cassidy seem quite fond of each other" Tessa giggled. "Ironic isn't it, the first William was in love with a warlock" Jem added making Tessa blush, then they made their way to the infirmary. Luca was pale and barely breathing Jem placed his hands on both sides of Luca's head and locked onto his consciousness to help him reach out to himself. Magnus and Tessa held hands and began to chant opening a window to the shadow world "Luca we can only do so much, you have to do the rest on your own" Jem spoke into his mind. Jem then filtered through his memories pulling the ones of his brother and Willow forefront in his mind "Come back to them Luca... You have to want to live, we can only give you the opportunity you have to choose to take it" Luca's eyes fluttered and his breathing was labored and erratic as large orange cloud passed through the opening and covered him. Magnus and Tessa were sweating profusely but closed the window and worked quickly to bind his soul back to his body; Luca began convulsing, his eyes flew open and a pained screamed escaped his lips. "He's rejecting it!" Jem screamed trying to calm him. "Magnus he knows you he may respond better, I can handle it!" Tessa added. Magnus's hands replaced Jem's hands and dove into Luca's mind. "Luca it's Magnus, we're trying to help you but you have to stop resisting and let us, you're killing yourself" he said calmly. Luca's breathing slowed and his body slowly began to relax as Tessa finished retaching his soul; Jem lifted his shirt drawing the soul binding rune that Magnus had given him over Luca's heart and his body began to glow. Both Magnus and Tessa fell to the floor heaving and covered in sweat watching Luca closely, when the glowing stopped he lazily opened his eyes and called for Willow before drifting off to sleep.

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