Luca's Story

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Luca was born early and your parents didn't believe that he would live so it wasn't reported to the clave. She asked for my help in saving him but there was nothing I could do, I nearly lost my magic in a battle so I called an old friend who said she could help. She came along with Valentine Morgenstern who'd injected Luca with demon blood he said because Luca was premature his body would easily accept it; and it did. He had to give him shots every month for six months until he stabilized. Luca is barely human but has an equal angel to demon ratio. When Fin was born on time and healthy they reported twins so hide Luca's birth. Luca first displayed his power at five and his parents called on Valentine because they didn't know what to do or what it was. When he found out he wanted to take Luca saying that his own son was a lost cause; their father died saving them and I never heard from them again.

Back at Tessa's house everyone had gone their separate ways, Jocelyn watched Fin pace their room; he hadn't spoken since leaving Ellie's. Magnus and Cassidy were working with Jem and Tessa on locating sebastian so William stayed with Willow. Her phone went off and it was a message from Luca's phone asking her to meet him in a nearby park alone. She knew it was from Sebastian but she also knew that they were getting nowhere and all she wanted was to get Luca back. She told her brother she was tired and he left her room, she packed a quick bag and left a note for her family before jumping from the window and heading to meet Sebastian. She arrived at the park to find Sebastian and Max who was unconscious on the ground. "I'll make you a deal, come with me and Max can go" he grinned. "Where is Simon and Emma and Emily?"

"They're not dead but they'll be quite surprised when they wake up" he grinned. "I don't have all day Willow, I'd hate to have to kill Max again"

"Fine" she said stepping forward to take Max, she laid him under a tree and called Isabelle to come and get him leaving her phone with a note in case he woke up and in the blink of an eye she was back in her old room.

*** Not much this go round... Sorry about that but thank everyone so much for reading (over 500 reads YAY!!!)


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