Chapter 3: Dream

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~Lia's P.O.V~

"Eomma, I'm scared." (6 y/o)

"Don't worry honey, everything's gonna be alright." -Eomma

*Gasp*'Another dream...'

I woke up from that dream again. My auntie says that it's possible the dreams I'm seeing are my past. I really wanna continue but I'm afraid it will just hurt me so I woke myself up. I went down to the kitchen to drink some milk.

'It's ok Lia, it's ok. Just drink milk and you're gonna be fine.'

"Lia you're still awake?" -Auntie

"Oh auntie you're there. Yeah, I had the dream again."

It's really hard for me to continue my dreams as I always think that I'll get traumatized. I thought having amnesia will help me forget how everything became a tragedy. But looks like I can never escape my past.

"May I ask? What did you remember??" -Auntie

"I only remember saying the words I'm scared."

"Those words again? When will you remember the others??" -Auntie

"Idk auntie. Can't you just tell me?" -Auntie

"How 'bout you just try remembering it from your dream." -Auntie

"Ok fine, as you said. I'll drink my milk now."

I finished drinking my milk and a couple of minutes later, I felt sleepy. I went back to my room and closed my eyes hoping I won't dream anything else. My body is shaking from fear but I have to go to sleep since I still have classes tomorrow.

"Eomma, I miss them." (6 y/o)

"You'll see them again. I promise." -Eomma

I opened my eyes a little to wake myself up from the dream but not as wide so that I can go back to sleep.

"How 'bout let's play some music." -Appa

"The word music tastes like sweet tomato." *giggle* -Eomma

'Tomato? Music tastes like sweet tomato?? How on earth could music taste like tomato???'

Again, I woke up, eyes wide open this time. I dreamt about my mom saying the word music tastes like sweet tomato? Now that's a weird dream... Looks like I'm gonna have weird dreams instead of scary ones. Might as well finally remember everything. The problem is, I woke up again. I just drank milk so I can't drink again to fall asleep. I'm gonna have to wait until I feel sleepy again. After an hour, I closed my eyes, this time, hoping I can continue my dream from earlier.

"Play the song price tag. It's my favorite color." -Appa

'Favorite color?'

The dream continued all inside my head. I was just staring at it like I'm bored inside a car. I didn't know that I was already dreaming so I thought I really am in a car driving to an unfamiliar place. I can even hear the song Price Tag. I mumbled underneath my breath the lyrics when suddenly, I wasn't ready for the next scene.

"APPA! THERE'S A CA-" (6 y/o)


I knew it! Something bad IS gonna happen in my dream. Why did I continue it?? UGH!

"Lia are you ok???" -Auntie

*Crying*"Auntie... I remember the accident..."

"Oh no, poor Lia. I'm sorry I let you dream about it." -Auntie

"Auntie I miss them!" *crying*

"I know honey, I know." *sniffle* -Auntie

"Auntie I'm scared to sleep. I might dream about it again."

"It's ok Lia, it's ok. You can do this. You're strong." -Auntie

"Auntie..." *crying*

I cried on my auntie's shoulder the whole night. I can't go back to sleep after having that nightmare. I know it's real that's why it hurts. It hurts so bad! I miss my parents so much. I didn't know how heartbreaking my accident was until I remembered it. If I could just turn back time. How I wish so.

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