Chapter Eleven: Villain's

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"This real, those are real villains"


Kirishima scoffs in disbelief, "What, real villains? No way. How can so many make it into UA? This place is secured."

Yaoyorozu steps up,"Yeah, Thirteen..  Why aren't the alarms going off?"

Thirteen turns to them with a pause,"Good question, I'm not sure.."

Todoroki puts a hand on his chin,"Is the entire campus under attack or is this the only part? Either way, one of them must have a quirk that can interfere with the alarm system."

Mizu nodded in agreement,"This is an isolated facility and they attacked when a class is being taught.. Seems they have a concrete objective, but what is it?"

The villians begin to come closer with each passing second. Aizawa turns to look at the villians. Visibly upset, he pulls his cloths down and puts his yellow goggles on,"Thirteen, get them out of here"

He turns to look at Thirteen, "If they are jamming the security system they are probably doing the same to our regular communication's. Kaminari, try to contact the school with your quirk."

Kaminari nods,"Right!"

Midoriya steps up, in a shakey voice he says,"What are you gonna do?! You can't fight them on your own!"

Aizawa glances back over his shoulder, "You can't be a pro if you only have one trick... I'll leave it to you thirteen."

Aizawa leaps down to meet the villians head-on. He uses his cloths, slamming villains left and right and canceling out their quirks.

 He uses his cloths, slamming villains left and right and canceling out their quirks

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Thirteen yells,"Come with me!" Motioning us to follow her.

The students only made it half way to the door before a purple portal comes through floor, causing them to come to a halt. A purple mist started to seep out, forming a body like shape.

The body of mist then begins to speak, "There is no escape for you... it's a pleasure to meet you.. we are The League of Villians. I know its impolite, but we decided to invite ourselves. Besides, isn't this a fitting place for All Might, the Symbolof Piece, to take his last breath. But it seems he is not here, anyways I still have a role to play."

'They're going to kill All Might?!'

Just as Thirteen is about to attack, Bakugo and Kirishima jump out and attack the villian. An explosion occurs causing smoke to blind our view. As the smoke clears they can see the purple mist reforming it's shape. The attack didn't phase him.

The villian speaks up in a dark, intimidating voice, "You live up to your schools reputation, but be careful children, someone could get hurt."

"Move you two, get of the way!" Thirteen yells at the two heros in training. But it was already too late. The purple mist started to surround us all and the villian starts to speak,"I'll scatter you all across this facility and to your deaths!"

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