Chapter Twenty: Mizu vs Todoroki

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It's the final battle of the second round, it was Kirishima and Bakugo.

Bakugo kept sending blast Kirishima's way but he didn't waver. Mizu can tell Bakugo is getting pissed off. His blast become more violent each time. Kirishima started to back away from Bakugo's attacks. He was finally wearing Kirishima down. He let off a series continuous blast, not giving the red head any time in between to recover. The last blast sent Kirishima flying back out of the arena.

Mizu jumped up from her seat,"Kirishima!"

Midnight stepped in between them and raised her hand, "Kirishima has been knocked out, Bakugo is the winner and advances to the third  round"

'Damn it, I was really rooting for Kirishima.. but then again I kinda had a feeling Bakugo would win'

Something behind Mizu caught Uraraka's attention, "Deku? Shouldn't you still be with Recovery Girl?"

Mizu look back and to see Midoriya with his arm in a sling and covered him bandages.

Tsu puts a finger on her lip,"Hey it looks like you have recovered okay?"

'Okay? What did he look like before?'

Midoriya carefully walks down and takes a sit next to Uraraka, "Yeah, I really wanted to watch everyone, this is where they are all at their best."


Mizu vs. Todoroki

"Say, are you gonna use that left side on me?" Todoroki sends Mizu a deadly glare. "Well, I really can't nag you too much, I still haven't used my full power either."

Todoroki widens his stance," you mean-" Mizu interrupts, "yes, I think it's time to show you what I can really do."

Midnight swings her arm out to the arena,"alright! It's time for this match to begin!"

Todoroki imidiatly starts with an ice attack, sending it directly to Mizu. Luckily, she activated her Power Enhancer before the match, giving her enough speed to jump out of the way anytime. This went on for a few minutes, the crowd was starting to get bored, wondering why Mizu just kept dodging his attacks and not doing anything in return. This was all part of Mizu's plan of course. She figured it was time to show the world that Warptress was still here.

Clasping her hands together she activated the Warp quirk Chiyo had left her. Her hair now had a purple glowing aura around it, along with her hands. Just as Todoroki sent out another ice attack, a purple ring with an abyss-black core popped up behind Mizu. It was a portal, she quickly stepped back into it, closing it before the ice came in.

Unknown to Todoroki, the second portal was opened up behind him with Mizu inside. She leaped out, fist raised, punching Todoroki square in the back. This sent him flying forward several feet.

The crowd gasped at what they just witnessed, their classmates just as surprised. They had no idea she had duplicated a quirk such as this. Present Mic came over the intercom,"Aizawa, I thought she had a power quirk? What's this we are seeing?"

"Mizu Izumi, she has the ability to make a genetic copy of a quirk, meaning that she can now posses the quirk as her own. She may not be able to use multiple ones at a time, but she can copy more than one and use it whenever and however she likes. Power Enhancer and Warp are her only two copies."

The crowd and Present Mic were stunned. This is a quirk they had never seen before, and for her to have a Warp quirk too? Everyone was amazed to say the least. Present Mic gasped in realization, "Wait, I think I recognize that quirk? It looks exactly like the Warp Hero: Warptress' quirk, I'm actually a fan of her's! Are they related!?"

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