Chapter Thirteen: Aftermath

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After Midnight picked Mizu up she took her to the paramedics, and from there they took Mizu to the hospital.

The shear force of that punch to Mizu's gut broke three ribs, the sharp edges of the bones caused a small internal bleed.

'When I used my quirk to break his hand.. my power was actually stronger than it normally was. I'm sure that's what caused my stamina to drain a lot. The nurs told me that I've been out for eighteen hours.'

When Mizu awoke, the hospital air was cold and dry, the smell of antiseptic was strong, nauseating almost. Her parents were by her side.
Her father was nodded off, snoring in a chair in the far left corner; while her mother brought a chair up to her bed. Her mothers head rested on the side of the bed. Suki's long black hair was gracefully strewn across the cover as she slept, her hand gripping lightly gripping Mizu's.

The Brunette went to raise up, but had only managed to hiss in pain. A stinging pain erupted at the bottom of both her rib cages. This, of course, woke her mother. Suki groggily brought her head up to look at her daughter, her eyes were still glazed over with sleep,"Mi? Are you awake?" Suki rubbed her eyes, in hopes that it could clear her dazed vision.

Mizu went to speak but nothing came out. Her throat and mouth were very dry. She looked to her right, there was a tray in arms reach, with a cup on it. Mizu went to reach for it, but her mother stood up, stopping the injured girl.

She grabbed the cup, sticking a straw in before handing it to Mizu. Mizu let out a 'mhm' as a thanks. Taking a long sip of the water, quickly wetting her mouth and throat with the ice cold liquid. Mizu cleared her throat,"Yes, how long have you guys been here?"
Her mother sat back down, scooting closer while taking Mizu's hand once more.

After taking a quick glance at the girl's father she answered,"we came as soon as we heard, we've been here ever since. God, you have no idea how scared we was.." Mizu could tell her voice was strained, she was holding back tears. "I know you was, I was too.. He was there.. he seen me and we fought.. I- I beat him.. ..I beat him..", Mizu whispered the last part to herself, still in disbelief of what had occurred. Her mother kitted her brows squeezing Mizu's hand,"He? As in.. Kankuro? That twat?"

Mizu went on to tell her about the fight, and how her quirk, sort of.. evolved? 'It was like I had my power enhanced by twenty insted of the normal ten..' About halfway through the explanation, her father woke himself up with a loud snore. Him being him, he frantically looked around the room, his eyes landing on Mizu and Suki. Jolting towards them, he engulfed them in a gentle hug.
After, Mizu filled him in on what happened at USJ, about him, and how she beat him.

'I still wasn't sure how I got to the hospital, though. I still wasn't sure what happened to Kankuro, and terrified of this. I was just hoping he stayed unconscious long enough for the pros to come and arrest him.'

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