Chapter Ninteen: Iida vs Mizu

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Now it was Bakugo's turn..

Bakugo and Uraraka have been going at it for a few minuets now. Every time Bakugo sends a big explosion at her she just gets back up and comes at him. She's been keeping close to the ground and barley dodging his attacks.

'I have to give it to her, she's taking these blows like a champ

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'I have to give it to her, she's taking these blows like a champ. She's stronger than I originally thought, her quirk especially can be dangerous if used correctly. If she could only get one hand on him she could have a chance at winning' Mizu thinks to herself.

But there was something almost everyone in the stands has failed to notice.

She's be deliberately taking blow after blow and keeping close to the ground to keep Bakugo's attention on her. All the debris he's been making with his blast, she's been gathering above him. The bastard hasn't even noticed yet.. He's going to be so pissed when he finds out.

Bakugo lands one last blow to Uraraka, sending her flying back, but this time she doesn't charge at him. Instead she connects the pads of her fingers on each hand and starts talking to Bakugo.

'I think it's time for her to release that attack.'

Bakugo looks up, his eyes widening some as he looks at how massive it is. Taking an arm he holds his palm out to the debris while using his other arm for support he sends out a massive explosion, knocking Uraraka back again.

'He- he cleared it all in one blow.. all her hard work..'


Now it's Todoroki and Midoriya

Present Mic speaks over the intercoms,"wow he blew away Todoroki's opening attack!"

Their fight was slow and dragged on, Todoroki sent large ice attacks while Midoriya used his finger to blast the attacks away and breaking his fringe in the process. 'What a dumbass..'

Kirishima comes rushing over to us in the stands, "Crap i'm missing it!" He exclaims while sitting right next to Bakugo.

The ash blond sends him a glad from the corner of his eye, "I'll kill you"

Kirishima just waves the threat off, "yeah yeah sure. but seriously its so cool you and todoroki have moves that blast the whole stadium." He says with astonishment in his eyes. "Plus, you don't have to pause between attacks" Kirishima adds.

Bakugo sighs, "It's not as easy as you think ya morons.." he stairs down at his arms, "If you overuse your muscles you risk tearing them apart. Or if you sprint too much you'll run out of breath. Quirks are physical abilities too."

"Do you think thats how Midoriya's planning to beat todoroki?" Mizu ask.

Kirishima shrugs, "it's a possibility."

While they were talking Midoriya managed to land a direct hit on Todoroki, causing Todoroki's left side to burst into flames. His right side that was covered in frost turns into steam from the heat of his left side.

The intensity of the heat is to great its causing the cooler air in the arena to rush out, the winds so strong it's blowing all of Mizu's hair back.


"what the hell.." Mizu searched around the arena with her eyes to see who was yelling,"It's Endeavor?"

Looking back to the area Midoriya and Todoroki are running towards each other with all their power, Cementos makes walls in between them to soften their blows but it's still to much power. An intense updraft almost blows everyone away due to all the ice melting so rapidly from the external heat from Todoroki.

Once the smoked cleared we all seen that Midoriya was knocked out of bounds and Todoroki won.


The waiting room is cold and quite, way too quiet. It's making Mizu's nerves worse.. She picked up the bag of beef jerky and stuff the rest of its contents in her mouth. 'I'm going to need all my stamina for my plan to beat Iida' Mizu hears Present Mic over the intercom saying the arena was ready for the next match, the next match being her.

'Damn, it's time to go out there again..'

She walked out of the tunnel with the sun glaring down on her. The brightness made her squint from the sun's intensity. Slowly the arena became distinguishable once her eyes started to adjust.

Iida bows to her, "I will make this quick Izumi-san."

Mizu widens her stance,"Quick? You better be prepared to battle pretty boy!" She clasp her hands together and powered up to ten, you could see the power radiating off of her

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Mizu widens her stance,"Quick? You better be prepared to battle pretty boy!" She clasp her hands together and powered up to ten, you could see the power radiating off of her.


Iida, as she suspected, charged her head on. Mizu was able to move out of the way, with milliseconds to spare. He turned back around to her, "so you can dodge my normal attacks? Let's see you doge reciprico!"


This is what Mizu couldn't dodge, the only thing she had left to do was try to push him. Even if it's just enough for her to get out of the way.

He came at Mizu at inhuman speed, her heart pounded, it was as if everything was in slow motion. Taking her hands she gripped his shoulders and pushed herself up into the air, twisting her body around to face his back.

He stopped himself right before be went out of bounds, turning around he came at her again. Mizu was too slow, he took his foot and kicked her. I tried to stand back up but he gripped her shirt trying to drag Mizu out of the ring.

'I can't lose like this'

She used her power to stomp her feet into the arena, stopping Iida just long enough to grab his arm and flip him over her shoulder onto his back. He coughed up a small amount of blood, but that didn't stop her from taking his arm and slinging him out of the ring with all her strength.

Midnight announced the results,"Iida Tenya is out of bounds, Mizu Izumi advances to the third round!"

"That's fucking right, I don't lose." Mizu said giving a smug smirk to everyone in the area.

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