Chapter Sixteen: Midoriya's What

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Everyone is immediately told to go to the starting line, it's the entrance of a tunnel. The hordes of students bunched together, Mizu tries standing on her tippy toes, looking for anyone she knew.

'It's kinda narrow.. Where's Kiri? Hmm, guess I lost him in the crowd.'

On top of the tunnel is three green lights, and one by one they go out. 'I am going to win this!' Once the last light went out everyone rushed into the tunnel, jamming it packed. Mizu tried to squeeze her way through, only for her face to be met with elbows, the poor girl is only five-foot-two.

'No matter how much I push they won't fucking budge!'

"Fuck, someone move!"

"We can't!"

"I don't care! Fucking do it!"

"Stop yelling!"

"Either you fuckwits do something or I'll-"

A thought suddenly hits her,'this is the first obstacle.. it has to be, they knew we would get stuck like this..'

Mizu struggles to get her hands up and in front of her, she eventually managed to activate her Power Enhancement quirk, upping her power to times three. 'This should be more than enough to get through'

She takes both arms and shoves the people around out of the way, the extra space only lasted a split second, but that was more than enough time for her to jump up and onto the crowd. Mizu starts jumping from one person to the next, after about five jumps a wave of cold hits her. 'Todoroki? It has to be. Good thing the ice doesn't reach over their heads, or I'd been froze too.'

Kiri, Bakugo, Aoyama eventually caught up to Mizu, each using their quirk to boost themselves forward.

Mizu noticed Bakugo's expression, it was, of course, 'pissed'. When wasn't he though?

"I won't let you get away that easily you icy-hot bastard!" He increases the force of his blast to catch up with Todoroki.

"Oh no, I will not be left behind!" Mizu did the same with her strength, increasing her speed by four to catch up to them.

Mizu looks ahead of her and sees (*gags*) Mineta get smacked by a robot. 'A gift from the God's I see?'

 'A gift from the God's I see?'

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"Get fucked Mineta."

Her smile soon fades into a scowl when she noticed what was coming up, "Seriously, zero pointers?!"

With one swing of his arm, Todoroki froze the robots in place.. 'damn, he is good..'

Everyone is standing there in shock of not only the robots, but Todoroki's power. Mizu takes this opportunity to run between the robots, Todoroki hollered back at the competition, saying something about how the robots are unsteady. Right after he said this the robots begin to fall. Mizu looked up and sees a giant piece of metal coming her way.

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