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He looked at the man who was standing out of the car. He saw that San was fumbling with the lock.

Had he locked the car door? Or had Seonghwa?

He reached out to unlock the door. Not a second after San opened up the car door.

Again, "Wooyoungie?" San had said. Hearing it from him was harder than he expected right now.

His mind still stuck on the past he knew he should forget. He felt his Sannie sit next to him.

He unbuckled himself and turned to look at San. "I'm sorry." He whispered. He couldn't talk loud because he didnt want to break down in front of Sannie.

He forgot about everything that had been bugging him when he saw a single tear run down San's face.

They were both sitting across from each other. Sitting side ways in the seat.

He felt San's hand caress his cheek. His hand making some of his worries go away.

But he heard Hongjoong's unsaid words in his head. This is the same way that Park Megan got to you. I don't want the Bad Boy and Fuck Boy to get to you too. It cant happen again.

Hongjoong wad his Hyung. So he trusted him the most out of everyone he knew. But he is still sometimes wrong.

He felt that Hyung was wrong with San. But he couldnt help but doubt.

"Sannie." He whispered. "Yes Wooyoungie?" "T-thank you." He said whispered.

He pulled San into a much needed hug. He felt San's finger making circles on his back.

He gladly appreciated the comfort.

They sat there hugging each other in silence for another couple minutes. Questions clouding his mind he let go of the hug.

He felt San's grip on him tighten. It made a shiver run down his spine.

San loosened his grip and let him out if the embrace. "Well. Want to talk about it?" San asked him. He shook his head no.

He still wasn't sure about San. But something happened in the last day where everything had changed between the two.

"Thats okay Wooyoungie." San said, lifting his chin with his finger, making him look San in the eyes.

"You can tell me when your ready. Okay?" San said. He nodded as he watched San's gaze gently move down to his lips.

He let his mind wander as he stared at San. Taking in everything about his face.

From the way his hair brought out some of his forehead to his bright plump lips.

"C-come on. L-lets head In-inside." San said bringing his gaze back to make their eyes meet.

He nodded his head and opened up the car door. "L-lets go."


Sorry for all the short chapters. And if you are reading this Megan sorry in advance....

If I said you have a character in this it will show up a bit later. Sorry again in advance.

Have a good day!

Woosan III DrugsWhere stories live. Discover now