Jealousy Can Come Back To You

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San looked over at Wooyoung. Wooyoung had his head down and was looking at his feet. He didn't know why but he wanted to help the other. Something was pulling him towards the other.

He started walking out the classroom door after telling Wooyoung to follow him. He had to do something but he had to find a way for Wooyoung not to find out. Yet at the same time have him be there with him.

After a minute of silent walking, Wooyoung opened his mouth to talk. "Where are we going?" "The back of the school that no one goes to." "Why?" "Stop asking so many questions."

He didn't know why he told Wooyoung where he was going. But it wouldn't have been right to not answer right? And the other would have just continued to ask questions. "No." That comment made him turn around and face the other. He didn't like it when others said no to him. And he had great reasons not to.

"What did you say to me?" "I said no. I have rights to ask questions and you have no right to stop me." He almost slapped him. But some thing wouldn't let him hurt the other, so he held back from doing so.

"I do have a right to. And you do have a point. Just" He stopped talking, not wanting to accidentally speak out about something private. Some things even his friend's didn't know about.

"Come on lets go." He said changing the topic. "Again why are you taking me to the back of the school where no one goes?" "Don't say it like that. It sounds weird." He heard Wooyoung chuckle. The sound soothed his ears a little bit, making the air between them less tense. 

What was happening to him? This had never happened before, something was wrong. Maybe he was sick or something. He could feel his heart beat almost beat out of his chest as Wooyoung stood closer to him, still walking.

"Because I have to do something. And you can't come with me. We'll only be a couple minutes late to class nerd." He said making the rude comment. The only way he knew how to push things away.

That must have shut the other up because Wooyoung stopped asking questions. And talking in general. He stopped himself from thinking about Wooyoung's voice. And how to keep him from knowing things he shouldn't or things he couldn't trust him with. Not like he could with Hwa at least.

He would just have to make sure he wouldn't tell anyone. Especially not the teachers, because the more he thought about it, he couldn't keep the other from not seeing or knowing. So he would have to make Wooyoung promise over his own life.

He walked him towards the school back door. These halls were so dirty he didn't think anyone ever cleaned them.He unlocked the door with the key he made. "How do you have a key?" He heard Wooyoung's voice.

Surprising both of them he answered nicely. "I made it." San shut his mouth from speaking any more about why he had it. Wooyoung had not asked anything about it after that, making him wonder why the other stayed quiet.

He has to tune out the other to not accidentally answer if Wooyoung did ask. By the time he reached the back of the school he didn't notice that Wooyoung was walking beside him now. Their shoulder's touching the slightest. 

His hand rubbed against the others and he pulled his hand back and stopped walking. "We passed it." He heard the other chuckle after saying that. He did pass it but he didn't even notice that time had passed.

The silence wasn't awkward enough to want to speak up but it wasn't completely comfortable. "What are you going to do back here?" Wooyoung asked him. Being honest it didn't sound right. He was bringing him to the back of the school where no one goes. Where they would be able to spend alone time together for hours if they wanted to.

He walked to the wall he always stood against. Wooyoung followed. He took this time to actually look at the other. He was wearing a black droopy shirt, with blue tight jeans. His shirt showed his collarbone and the chain necklace pulled the outfit all together. His lilac hair making the outfit pop.

San wouldn't lie to himself but he looked more like a fuck boy than a nerd. Where were his glasses? "Why are you looking at me like that?" The other asked him. "You look different." "No dip Sherlock." "Sassy. That's new."  "A lot of things are new." He heard the other mumble.

He didn't want to pry as much as he wanted to know. Something did feel off about the other. He was more of a play boy looking than a nerd looking guy now. And it was more than just how he was dressed or his hair.

San escaped his thoughts by reaching into the hole in the wall and grabbing a pack of cigarettes. He also grabbed the lighter and lit the butt on fire. "Oh you smoke?" Wooyoung asked him in a not-surprised-at-all voice. "Do you?" He asked. Wooyoung would never smoke and he knew that. And he probably never did. That would be a shock if he did though.

"I did."

Woosan III DrugsWhere stories live. Discover now